Come Thursday, Friday and Saturday! We didn't get pics of all our products up on the site, but you have to come and see them!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Don't Forget!
Posted by Snort at 11:35 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 26, 2007
Ever had one of these days?
This is what happened when my bath was interrupted...
Posted by Snort at 8:41 PM 1 comments
I think I need a vacation
Nope, no posting lately... not really doing much lately besides sewing and holding babies! I don't think I ever want to make a baby blanket again. But, on the flip-side, Lindy and I have made some pretty cute stuff! I just can't wait for this week to be over!
Last night, Porter's thrush came back with a vengance, and I think that the both of us got a combined sleep of two hours last night... the good part is that I'm learning just how little sleep I can run off of. Adi also woke up saying her belly hurt and she had a raging fever. But that's all the symptoms she has. This morning she can barely walk because her belly hurts so bad... any ideas as to what this mysterous ailment is?
Here's a picture from our 2nd Thanksgiving of all the reluctant boys! I better go now, Adi is calling! P.S. I had an awesome Black Friday! I divided and conquered with my sister and she got me a new camera at Walmart while Lindy and I attacked the Joanne's Flannel from opposite sides and got all the cutest fabric... I knew standing in line since 4 am would do some good :)
Posted by Snort at 7:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, Porter
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving, Part One
Posted by Snort at 1:43 AM 2 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, Piper, Porter
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
This will count for tomarrow's post...
Porter is sick. Again.
Mommy is sick. Again.
The house is in turmoil. Again.
After much, much, much pain while nursing my little Stripling Warrior- and after an almost-full night of no sleep- I took myself and Porter back to dear Dr. Lamb and discovered that Porter has thrush and has thusly given it to me. Thanks, little buddy.
At least this time I left the girls with Kim... if I told you what happened last time you'd understand why this is something that I greatly appreciate (let's just say Piper was extremely interested in what Dr. Lamb was doing while the poor, embarrased doctor was holding my screaming infant and examining my "hurting area" at the same time).
So, whilest I try to bake a thousand cookies for Thanksgiving, fold laundry that has currently taken over my family room couch, and make the Thanksgiving craft I've planned to do with the girls for nearly a month now, I'm trying to not scream in pain while nursing my poor, crying baby.
Not to sound ungrateful, I must mention that I am picking up my copy of Hairspray in the morning and am planning a full day of watching it on repeat while my girlies dance around!
**1 am edit: Orrin brought home my very own copy (yes)!**
And just to make you smile... here is a video of Adi helping Pipes say the scripture at Family Night. Turn up your volume because my camera stinks and you can barely hear them. Oh, by the way- their outfits were by their own choice (I told them to dress nice for Family Home Evening- my own fault)!
Posted by Snort at 7:28 PM 2 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Videos
Scrappy Blue Stones
Gotta love these freebies!
Posted by Snort at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Freebie Finder
I've been busy, ok!
Sorry I haven't posted pics (or anything really) lately, but, as stated above, I've been a little preoccupied! The kiddies and I did meet Whit & Chris at the park yesterday for lunch, so I thought I'd share some of the fun with you!
Posted by Snort at 8:43 AM 2 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
If Pipes was a superhero, her power would be...
Piper literally rattled on for 28 minutes NON-STOP last night! Orrin tried to watch Smallville and (kind of) listen to her- but I don't think he absorbed much of either!
By the way- did I mention that Porter is mobile now?
Oh yeah- I think he watched his cousin Madden crawling all over and figured if Madden can do it, so can he!
P.S. I've been a bit busy lately, so my posting has been slacking! I've been working on boutique items, then Porter and I got sick, housework, family visiting, etc. Just when I thought everything has settled down, Porter work up this morning with a HOT fever...
Posted by Snort at 5:08 AM 2 comments
Labels: Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Videos
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Why I haven't been posting so much...
Posted by Snort at 3:21 PM 1 comments
Freebie Find!
Sweet Made has some awesome freebies!
Posted by Snort at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Freebie Finder
Monday, November 12, 2007
I haven't had much time to scrap, but I did this the other night during Porter's 2 am feeding (I figure as long as I'm up, I might as well be doing something productive).
**Page was made with 1990 Something Kit**
Posted by Snort at 10:48 AM 2 comments
Labels: Family Fun, Porter, Scrapbooking
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I've been tagged...
Kayla tagged me about 6 things you may not know about me- so here we go...
1. I am a dishes freak. I hate having dirty dishes in the sink and cannot relax until they are done- I'm not kidding or exaggerating. They also have to be done my way- so OP pretty much never has to help (he's so sad about that) I am also known for having to do them at other's houses (I don't hear many complaints about that).
2. I'm an avid reader and book collector. I don't like getting books from the library because I just like the feel and smell of a good book (I know- weird, right?), plus I like to keep good ones around because I reread my favs often! In this past year I have read 58 books (and counting)- but I was on bed rest for a couple of months so I got a few extra in! By the way, I just finished Go Forward With Faith, and while I am going to miss having a daily dose of inspiration from President Hinckley, I have now moved on to another book. Check the right-hand column for more!
3. I watch the Disney channel... after I put my kids to bed. I know, it's embarrassing, but I like watching Hannah Montana, Cory in the House, and Phil of the Future. What can I say? I prefer these innocent shoes over the trash that seems to be on every other channel. Plus I don't miss any major plot lines when I put laundry away.
4. I really, truly enjoy cooking. I like creating my own recipes (you've got to try Chicken Poppers!), following traditional hand-me-down, tried-and-true delicious dishes (usually Nanny's), and sometimes (on those headache days) things that are out of a box. I like sitting down as a family without any outside distractions and just being together... I like having breakfast and dinner all together as a family and knowing that it is going to happen every day :)
5. I like painting- not on a canvas and not crafts- I like painting the inside of my home. The girl's room has been painted three times (in two years), Porter's room twice, and every other room (except the office- but I already have the paint, just need the time) has had it's own special color splattered on the walls. I'm not saying I'm good at it- I'm not. I have a special talent of getting paint under the blue tape that I spent an hour putting up and having uneven lines because of it. But I love doing it.
6. There is nothing I like more than pictures. I currently have 12 albums full- yep, 12 and that doesn't include the 7 scrapbook albums. And I'm about 6 months behind on my picture developing (I must be Snapfish's #1 customer). I love displaying pictures of those I love- especially my kiddies. I figure that I don't need any other artwork since these babies are my masterpiece.
I now pass this along to Whitney, Mom, Lindy and Emily!
Posted by Snort at 8:50 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Another new favorite store
There are just too many! I'd like to add Sweet Shoppe Designs to my list of wonderfully beautiful digi-scrap stores that you HAVE to visit. I just bought this kit:
Posted by Snort at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Freebie Finder
Friday, November 09, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Just a quick quote...
"I know that I am a child of God, part of His creation and that Adam is my father... [But] there was one after that, and that was Eve. She was the crowning creation. Don't you young men ever think that you're so smart in comparison with young women. The Lord created you... and then, as his prime creation, He created woman-Eve, she was the sublime, ultimate in all His creations. Don't any of you young men develop any kind of a superiority complex. It isn't scriptural."
Now, as a mother of two daughters... I just love that quote. Hope it made you stand just a bit taller!
Posted by Snort at 4:15 PM 1 comments
Labels: Excellent Quotes
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Here's for you, Mommy Dearest...
IkeaGoddess- I'm not sure exactly how I found this blog, but I love it! Almost everyday she gets on and lists different blogs where you can go to find freebies!
Amy W. also does the same thing & she gives out some of her own freebies!
Happy Scrapping!
Posted by Snort at 2:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Freebie Finder
My Big Girl

**Kit from Miss Huneybuney at Elemental Scraps. Font is 2Peas Scrapbook.**
Posted by Snort at 9:20 AM 3 comments
Labels: Piper, Scrapbooking
Monday, November 05, 2007
The kids, the wii and the camera-happy me :)
We went to Thatcher this last weekend to visit Orrin's grandparents who were in town (and whom we haven't seen in two years), but also played just a bit!
Posted by Snort at 9:37 AM 2 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking, Videos
Friday, November 02, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Posted by Snort at 7:38 AM 3 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking