Friday, December 21, 2007
Posted by Snort at 5:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Conversations With My Daughters, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Here Comes Christmas...
Posted by Snort at 7:35 PM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Family Fun, Freebie Finder, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking
Let Him In...
Posted by Snort at 8:39 AM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking
Monday, December 17, 2007
What- Two Santas?
Afterwards, the kiddies and I went to Chick-Fil-A (the best place ever), and as we were leaving, guess who shows up there? Yep, St. Nick! A different one- he had a fake beard, but still looked nice- but I was burned out, Porter was crying for a bottle, and I just honestly wanted to go home. So in the true spirit of Ebenezer, I told the kids that Santa wanted a chicken sandwich and we should let him eat. I know, so mean! When Piper said she still wanted to see him (why, you may ask), Adi looked at her like she was crazy and said, "Why? He already knows what we want. We told him already!" We told the kids that Santa brings only one present and Mom & Dad will provide the rest. So glad Adison actually listens to us- can't really say the same for Miss Piper, she marches to her own mini drummer.
Posted by Snort at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Family Fun, Freebie Finder, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking
These, Our Little Ones
Posted by Snort at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Excellent Quotes, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking
Saturday, December 15, 2007
A night off...
No new pics to scrapbook for my Christmas Days Calendar. I ran around town this morning & afternoon, went to my local Walmart tonight, and had Adi throw up again tonight. Not much time for a Christmas activity in there!
Posted by Snort at 10:07 PM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking
I Believe...
Posted by Snort at 8:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Family Fun, Scrapbooking
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thanks for the stockings, Mom!
Posted by Snort at 8:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas Book, Family Fun, Porter, Scrapbooking
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Sale at our store!
Posted by Snort at 9:14 PM 0 comments
There's how many more days until Christmas?!
Posted by Snort at 4:42 AM 1 comments
Labels: Christmas Book, Family Fun, Piper, Scrapbooking
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
What time is it?
HSM2 time!
For those of you who aren't in the know, HSM2 stands for High School Musical 2, which just hit the shelves yesterday! OP, who is know considered the best Daddy ever, brought it home for the girls yesterday (and Rylee). I, being the grouch that I am apparantly, thought that it should be kept as a Christmas present, but OP wanted the girls to have it now. So Iguess what I watched ALL DAY yesterday? YUP. Makes me miss Hairspray.

Posted by Snort at 5:18 AM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Family Fun, Piper, Scrapbooking, Videos
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
'Tis the Season For Giving, Not Recieving!
Posted by Snort at 5:32 AM 3 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Awww, the cold & flu season (& thrush, too)
Posted by Snort at 9:09 PM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking
Saturday, December 08, 2007
My kiddies are not rugrats...
I promise. They always start the day dressed in nice clothes with their hair done perfectly.
Unfortunately, the girls have their own ideas as to what "perfectly" means- and they usually end up changing their clothes (at least three times- no joke), redoing their hair, and usually getting something funky on themselves while doing so.
Porter-Boy, well, he hate getting dressed, so usually after a diaper-change, I leave him pantsless to avoid a screaming fit (and he likes taking off one sock- that's right, just one).
I promise these kids are well taken care of- yet in all the pages I've posted they look neglected... makes me feel like a bad mom! But, they need self-expression, right?
***I found a new company to get pictures and photo books through- they're called York Photos, and their digital photos are only 10 cents a piece! Plus you get 20 free prints on your first order! They don't do 12 x 12 books yet, but they do work exactly like Snapfish so it's very easy to use! Try it out!
Posted by Snort at 6:45 PM 2 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking, Shopping
Friday, December 07, 2007
Big Ole' Box of Pasghetti?
Adi wanted to know why the men were ducking. I explained that they were trying to avoid being hit by bombs.
"What are bombs?"
"Things that explode when they are dropped."
"What do they look like?" Who knows what a bomb looks like? Not me!
"Ummm... they look like, ummm...."
"A big ole' box of pasghetti?"
Oh my- children really can make you feel so much better by just being them!
Adi & Pipes fav part:
Posted by Snort at 9:33 PM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Conversations With My Daughters, Family Fun, Scrapbooking
Another day, another page
Soo tired, can't post... Porter is revolting against the bottle!
Posted by Snort at 5:49 AM 2 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking, Shopping
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Throwing in the Towel
Well, Porter-Boys thrush has returned... so I have decided to throw in the towel. I'm going to Costco and buying some formula and then to Walmart to get the Nuk bottles (Porter loves his Nuk binki so I thought that their bottle would make the transition that much easier). It's not going to be easy though, Porter hates bottles... OP says that when he gets hungry enough, he'll take it. But if you know me, you know my position on letting a baby cry it out (refuse to do it). Wish us luck! P.S. Just a sidenote on the girls' " jammies": After many, many long and hard battles that usually result in lots of tears (on both ends)and Pipes changing into what she wants after I put them into bed anyway, I've decided that the girls are allowed to choose their own pj's, no matter how many cute ones they have and ridiculous their choices may be at times. What's the point? Who sees them at night, anyway?
Posted by Snort at 8:22 AM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Started off Good, then bad, then wonderful...
I lost $80 dollars today- or should I say it was taken from me? Then when I got to leave in my car... it wouldn't start. Yep... just the kind of day I had. Started off fun, running errands with the kids, Christmas shopping, but then some man decided to make my load a little bit lighter by taking $80 out of my pocket in Michaels. Helpful, eh? I didn't discover this fact, however, until I went to pay at Staples. I rushed back to my car to drive back to Michaels, started my car, but instead of the trusty roaring to ife, I hear "click, click,".
Dead battery.
Thankfuly, a sweet older gentleman stoppd and gave my car a jump... and restored my faith in mankind. Unfortunately, I was too busy tring not to burst into tears that I didn't get his name or address so I could properly thnak him. Yet, I am still oh-so-grateful for the help!
Posted by Snort at 7:56 PM 3 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking
Christmas Scrappin'
Nothin' like a good freebie to start off the day!
Posted by Snort at 5:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Freebie Finder
Monday, December 03, 2007
100th Post!
I can't believe that I have done that many posts- maybe I need to consider getting a new hobby...
Posted by Snort at 8:08 PM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking
Christmas Spirit...
Posted by Snort at 6:06 AM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Days of Christmas...
Sooo glad the boutique is over! Now I can have time to recoup from mine & Porter's shared illness; if that's possible :) I'm staying at home from Church today due to my two eldest children's colds... it's hard to get them to miss church because they cry and cry and cry, thus I promised a super good FHE tonight to make up for it (I'm supposed to be looking up the lesson as we speak)! I got the idea for a "Days of Christmas Book" from a site I found while blog-surfing... so cute! Now, onto FHE lesson!
***P.S. Check out our Etsy Site!****
Posted by Snort at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Adi, Christmas Book, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking