Friday, February 29, 2008
Yup, it's a 'happenin!
The rumors are true: we're moving! We have two weeks to get our bodies up to that freezing-cold state that is called Utah (the highs this week ranges from 44 degrees down to 19.... brrrr). Orrin has decided what he wants to be when he grows up, so now we are off to make that dream come true!
I have mixed feelings on the matter; on the one hand, I don't want to leave my house, my friends, my family and everything that I know. On the other hand, I'm ready for something new, a challenge and well, a better school district for Adi to start school in. And hey, seeing a movie is a lot cheaper in Utah...
Wish us luck!
Posted by Snort at 5:31 AM 5 comments
Labels: Family Fun
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
My Little Man
My boy is 11 months old (yesterday)! His one year birthday is getting way too close for comfort. This little man has taken 4 steps at once, but we're pretty sure he can do more, but he's just too lazy... He also has 2 teeth, although he should have more (thanks for informing me Whit).
Here's a little clip of my buddy boy:
Posted by Snort at 1:50 PM 5 comments
Labels: Porter, Scrapbooking
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Not much time...
to post. Adi is sick (fever, achey, throwing up), it looks like the vicious bug is making a second round at our house. But I did want to share a new place I found for freebies. Check it out- it is full of cute stuff!
Posted by Snort at 11:41 AM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Freebie Finder
Monday, February 25, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Who left the chocolate where Porter could reach it?
** Alpha is from Tangie**
Posted by Snort at 9:28 PM 3 comments
Labels: Parent Stuff, Porter

Posted by Snort at 5:33 AM 5 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Never Forget...
Posted by Snort at 6:33 AM 3 comments
Labels: Excellent Quotes, Freebie Finder, OP, Parent Stuff, Piper, Scrapbooking
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I hate coupon clipping!
And that is why I love this site. It was started by a sister in my ward, and is a dream for anyone who ad-matches at Walmart! Check out Sister Savings!
Posted by Snort at 6:37 AM 1 comments
Labels: Shopping
Monday, February 18, 2008
Three Part Series: Porter, Adi & The Lollipop
Part 1: Porter Steals Adi's Lollipop (while watching this, please keep in mind that the kids just ate lunch- Porter is stripped down to his undershirt to do so- which is why he looks like a rugrat and Adi likes to pick her own outfits).
Part 2: Adi tries to use her "brute strength" to get the candy back. Please don't think that Porter is being hurt by his big sis; he just takes food very seriously and does not appreciate it being taken away.
Part 3: Porter Triumphs- as you probably knew he would.
Posted by Snort at 7:17 PM 4 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, Porter
Baby clothes, anyone?
Alright, I'm asking for my fellow bloggers help: I'm trying to get rid of a bunch of Porter's tiny baby clothes and need to find someone who wants it. I've posted it on Craig's List to no avail, so I now I turn to you. And if you know me, you know how much I enjoy dressing these babies of mine; so there are more than a few things here. Let me know!!
***OK, I've secured a good home for my clothes 3-6 months and bigger, but still have a bunch of newborn stuff! Anyone pregnant?***
Posted by Snort at 5:11 PM 3 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Another Challenge...
From the TBD Creative Loft. I love doing these things- they get my creative juices flowing!
*Golden Swirls by Shabby Princess (Harvest Spice Kit)
*Frames & Staples by Christina Renee (Hide & Seek kit)
*Flower by Lauraskathi (1st Halloween kit)
*Back White Grnungy Overlay by MJV
*Alpha (Queen of Hearts Paper Bag) and tag and stichted circle (Wildflowers kit) by Tangie Baxter Designs
Posted by Snort at 3:46 PM 2 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Scrapbooking
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Nanny!
Lindy & I made a little scrapbook with pictures of OP's Nanny & Papa to give to our family for Christmas. In rememberance of Nanny's b-day, here are a few of the pages:
Posted by Snort at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family Fun
I decided to take pictures of my kiddies then turn one into a little Valentines Card to email to family. Simple, right? Yeah, sure.
Adi only gives cheesey, fake smiles to the camera, Piper won't hold still, and Porter screams when his sister's touch him while he is enjoying a sucker. Geesh! This was the best photo I could get... I'll take it!
While Porter is napping and the girls are at preschool, I thought I'd take a minute to reminisce. My most favorite Valentines memory had to do with my dad, dumpster diving, and an arrow. What do all these things have in common, you may ask? Well, my dad always got into making V-Day boxes for school. I mean, really got into it. This year (third, fourth grade?), he came up with the idea to make a target with an arrow in it- keep in mind that this was before kids were trying to kill everyone at school, so bringing a sawed-off arrow to school was no biggie. My dad had to first find a big enough piece of cardboard, which we had none of. We started cruising the dumptsers of businesses until we found the perfect piece- a refridgerator box from Granite Furniture I believe.He then created some kind of easel for it to sit on, and then attached the giant target- it was huge! OK, I was only 8-ish, so my memory could be a little misconstrued, but I don't even know how I got it to school. Anyway, he then cut a slit in the front, just big enough to fit little cards in, and then added the cut arrow.
It was quite the sight. I think that I got the most compliments on it during my class party, but a problem presented itself after the party: the other kids were taking the lids off of their simple shoe box valentines to get their candy and cards, but I couldn't get to mine! My dad had forgotten (or perhaps on purpose) to include a little trap door. I was devasted! I had to wait until I got the behemoth home to enjoy my goodies!
I wish I had a picture... you made a memory Dad!
Posted by Snort at 9:52 AM 5 comments
Labels: Family Fun
I *heart* Valentines!
Cinnamon rolls, anyone?
Don't get me wrong, I love the Day of Love, but I hate buying presents for it. Do we really need store-bought gifts to tell someone that we love them? Instead, I try to do the little, homemade things: OP got cinnamon rolls (thanks for the help Lindy), the girls got heart headbands made by Mama, and Porter- well Porter cinnamon rolls too (the boy loves food). I did get some candy and little gifts too, but mostly I tried to stick to homemade stuff.Sidenote: family and friends, we do have V-Day cards and gifts for you all, but they are a little late getting sent off (like, they are still sitting in my bag). Think of it this way: you'll get to celebrate Valentines more than once!
Posted by Snort at 6:20 AM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, OP, Piper, Porter
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Scraplift Challenge
I decided to take part of a scraplift challenge on Tangie Baxter's Creative Team Blog (now that was a lot to type!). I lifted this page.
Everything used is from Tangie's Think Happy Thoughts kit, except the alpha which was a freebie from here.
Wish me luck!
Posted by Snort at 9:39 AM 3 comments
Labels: Scrapbooking
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
100 Things About Me
I saw this on Emily's blog and thought that it would be fun to try...
1) I used to change the color of my nail polish every night to match my outfit for the next day
2) Very rarely are my nails painted now
3) I bite said (finger)nails constantly- especially when I am tense (which is most of the time)
4) I cry when I sing church songs (please don't ask me why)
5) Nothing in this world makes me happier than just hanging out with my family, doing nothing
6) Orrin and I fight a lot (stubborn, stubborn people)
7) I am usually at fault for the fights (don't tell him that)
8) We also laugh a lot
9) I crave organizatin, but am often a very messy person
10) I collect forgotten coins and can be often found at a Coinstar machine
11) I love reading fiction books and can finish one in a day if I can focus
12) I have a difficult time reading non-fiction books and it takes me weeks to read a thin one
13) I collect quotes
14) I have named everyone of my children after someone I love and respect: Adison Nae (my mom RaNae), Piper Pauline (Orrin's grandma, Francis Pauline or aka Nanny), and Porter Grant (Orrin Porter & my grandpa Leland Grant)
15) I want more children but am scared to have anymore
16) I can't wait to see Nanny, Grandpa, and G.G. again
17) I love Relief Society
18) But I won't go to church if my kids are sick (isn't that just etiquette?)
19) One of my biggest pet peeves is being put on hold when I'm talking to a friend (just call me back)
20) Another one peeve: people who are always on their cell phones
21) I don't always answer my phone even if I'm not doing anything
22) I love hosting parties until people start coming and then I just want to hide
23) I'm always paranoid that someone is trying to break into my home
24) Orrin is my most favorite person to tease (see #6)
25) He's also my most favorite pillow
26) I think Adi looks like Orrin but acts like me (a bit dramatic)
27) Piper looks like me but acts alot like my sister (big, tender heart)
28) Porter makes me smile when I just look at him (those dimples)
29) All of my kids have my eyes, my nose, and Orrin's lips (how is that possible?)
30) I think I have the best looking kids ever (a little biased)
31) And also the smartest
32) My favorite quote is "Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful" by Annette Funichello
33) I hate sewing but love homemade items so I do it
34) I wish I could sing
35) I also wish I could dance
36) Rob Thomas' voice makes me melt
37) I have a very addictive personality
38) I watch Hannah Montana, High School Musical & Hairspray without my kids
39) I'm really getting into politics (watch out Dad)
40) I already worry about when my kids grow up and leave me
41) I get headaches when I get stressed
42) I get migraines when I don't get enough sleep
43) Once 8 o'clock hits, I get very, very ornery.
44) Watching the news makes me panic about sending my kids to public school
45) I have considered homeschooling them
46) I don't have the patience or the education to do so
47) I had a full tuition scholarship for college, but I dropped out of school after I got married
48) I wish I hadn't
49) I recieved awards for scoring in the top ten percent of the SATs every year in elementary
50) I don't think I deserved them
51) I love yellow & red and have painted three rooms in my house varying shades of them
52) Online shopping is one of my most expensive hobbies
53) Making lists is my cheapest hobby
54) I like to write
55) Windex is one of my favorite smells
56) I can't tell people no
57) I think I'm a photographer
58) I'd like to go to school to actually learn how to be one
59) Bedtime routine is my favorite time of day; I love reading the scriptures together as a family, saying family prayers, reading books and singing songs with my children.
60) I get agitated when the routine is interrupted or changed by anyone or anything
61) I love picking out the perfect present for someone, and will often end up not buying them anything if I can't find something that suits them
62) I love dressing up my kids (even the boy)
63) Orrin and I balance each other perfectly- he's the yin and I'm the yang
64) I get more excited about going to the park than my kids do (ask OP- he was dragged to parks the whole time we were dating)
65) I like to cook- especially when I know the meal is going to taste good
67) I often cook my own "Courtney Creations"- they have a 50/50 chance of tasting decent
68) Pride & Prejudice isn't only my favorite book but I also love any kind of movie version that is made
69) I used to pull the legs off of daddy-long-legs and squeeze grasshoppers until they spit out black stuff (not sure why I put this one on here)
70) I am most strict on my kids when it comes to respecting adults
71) I have a hard time with kids who mouth off to adults
72) I especially have a hard time controlling my temper when they mouth off to me
73) I am as protective as a mama bear with my kids and have learned to do breathing exercises to calm myself down when someone says or does something to them
74) When I have a lot to do, I usually end up shutting down and not doing anything at all
75) I am proud to say that I have never drank, smoke, tried drugs, nada... I have never even wanted to
76) I am, however, fighting my addiction to caffiene (sweet, sweet Dr. Pepper)
77) I usually lose this fight
78) TV irritates me, but I love movies
79) I can't do anything unless music is playing
80) My iPod is almost always on
81) I get a little crazy when other people cook in my kitchen
82) Did I mention that I am a control freak?
83) I can't make cakes (even if they are from a box)
84) I idolize President Hinckley and cried when I found out that he passed away
85) I resist change in any form
86) My best childhood memories happend at Lagoon
87) Here's a doozy: Orrin is the only man that I have ever kissed
88) I get a little jealous that he can't say the same (him kissing me, that is)
89) I am constantly second guessing myself when it comes to parenting
90) Never when it comes to cooking
91) Orrin hates the smell of Pinesol, but I love it... guess what I use to clean my floors?
92) I don't share my drinks with anyone
93) I consider being a stay-at-home mom a career and don't get offended when someone says it's my job to take care of my children and my home (isn't it?)
94) I feel like a failure if my house is messy when Orrin gets home from work
95) Orrin isn't allowed to help clean (see #82 & #93)
96) I am a very emotional person
97) I love my family and consider making them happy and well my mission in this life
98) I love sharing stories about my kids (that is why I love blogging)
99) I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true and have never doubted it
100) I love getting together with family- both sides, extended, and friends who feel like family. It just makes me happy :)
I now challenge anyone who reads this to try it for yourself. It seems impossible, but it is actually quite fun!
Good luck!
Posted by Snort at 9:54 AM 5 comments
Labels: Parent Stuff
Monday, February 11, 2008
So much to post...
So little time. We had Grandma & Grandpa Merrill over on Friday and Adi's party on Saturday- and boy do I have a lot of pictures! But, I must first post about Porter and his new hat.
Porter doesn't much care for things on his head. I, however, do. So who wins this struggle? Take a guess:
(look at the dimples on that boy!)
Two seconds after I turned off the camera he took the hat off.
I will not give up!!
Posted by Snort at 10:57 AM 4 comments
Labels: Porter
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Our Night In Pictures
Porter couldn't decide what was more fun: messing up the office or getting into the fridge everytime I opened it.
Quick clip of Porter wanting to join his sisters in the tub (notice how he tries to get his lef in):
How did I have time to capture all these while I was supposed to be cooking? Easy, I fried up some bacon and am going to reheat some french toast from breakfast earlier in the week. Walah- Breakfast For Dinner... a fun family tradition to break up the monotonous meat and potatoes that OP prefers!
Posted by Snort at 5:32 PM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, Piper, Porter
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Shouldn't we get to vote on this stuff?
Have you heard about this?! What's a Suns fan to do? At least (my) Nash is still on the team...
Posted by Snort at 2:51 PM 2 comments
Scrappin' while my kids are nappin'!
I missed Brother-Bear's 10 month birthday, but a couple weeks late is better than never, right?
Porter-Boy is my little angel baby- well, ok, his temper is way too nasty for him to be considered an angel, but compared to the volatile personalities of his sisters, he should be considered for Sainthood. He loves pulling hair, chasing the vaccum (only for a little bit though, he gets upset that he can't catch it and starts screaming), playing in the girls' room, and giving hugs and kisses to anyone who holds him. Isn't amazing how these little people are in our lives for so short a time, but you can't remember what life was like without them?
Cute lil' story about Porter (just indulge me)- the other day I hear Adi start yelling for me from the family room. I go running in there and Porter has his two little fists deeply entangled in her hair, pulling her face to him and he's sucking away at Adi's cheek! Piper has her arms wrapped around Porter's stomach and is trying to pull him away from Adi, but he has such a good grip in her hair, the she is just being pulled too. I wish I would have had time to grab my camera...
Posted by Snort at 2:07 PM 2 comments
Labels: Porter, Scrapbooking
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
A conversation with my daughters...
Adi: Mom, do Prophets have birthdays?
Me: Yup, they are people just like me and you.
Adi: How many prophets are there?
Me: There have been a lot of prophets, but there is only one prophet at a time.
**We sing Follow The Prophet**
Piper: The prophet just died and is in heaven with Fishie.
Me: Yup, but now we have a new one.
Adi: What's his name?
Me: President Monson.
Adi: President Hanson?
Me: No, President Monson.
Piper: President Mansion?
Me: Close enough. And the First Counselor is President Eyring and President Uchtdorf is the Second Counselor.
Adi: President "Earring" and "Your Door"?
Me: Ok, it's bedtime!
Maybe it was just too much information...
On a side note, we have been working with the girls on making sure to thank Heavenly Father for all the wonderful things that he has given to us, rather than just asking for stuff that we want (Piper prayed that it would be summer tomarrow). This morning while Adi was saying family prayers, she said, "Thank you for my Mom and Daddy because they do so much for me and love me a lot." Just makes you feel good inside!
P.S. There is a great freebie here in tribute to President Hinckley! Keep scrolling down a little ways and you'll find it!
Posted by Snort at 7:33 PM 3 comments
Labels: Adi, Conversations With My Daughters, Piper
Rockin' Out, Hannah Montana Style
Hannah Montana rocks- and that's just my opinion! We started off the day with Adi's favorite breakfast- french toast with bacon. This was followed by a complete H.M. Makeover- nails, hair, face and clothes. We then loaded up our glittery hair, sparkling toes, and candy-filled purses and headed off the the theatre. Porter was dropped off at Whit's, and we girls braved the big puddles and the freezing cold to get into line (we were the only ones for over an hour- but we got first picks at seats).
I had to keep reminding my little over-zealous fans to sing more quietly, but they didn't see anything wrong with belting out Miley's songs- sometimes even louder than her. We had yummy tacos for dinner and read Adi's favorite stories before bed.
Adi's favorite part of the day? Getting to call on people to say the blessing over our meals! Only Adi...
Posted by Snort at 2:49 PM 5 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, Piper
Monday, February 04, 2008
I really CRIED...
when I watched this: (please turn off the music player down at the bottom)
I have loved President Hinckley for a very long time (as I am sure a lot of you have). He was the Prophet when I first became fully active in this church eleven years ago and so he was really the only President I have known. I have always looked up to him in so many aspects, but most especially for his respect and love towards his wife and his family. I often stop and think, while I am trying to deal with an issue with the girls, what he or Sister Hinckley would have done. I will most positively miss him...
I am so excited for the new Presidency- I can't wait till April to watch conference!
P.S. We girls had a rockin' time at the Hannah Montana 3-D movie extravaganza- I'll post some pics tomarow! Thanks to everyone who shared birthday wishes for Adi!
Posted by Snort at 8:11 PM 1 comments
Labels: Videos
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Oh, Pipes...
Posted by Snort at 4:18 PM 3 comments
Labels: Piper