I would like to introduce you to Snowball. He is my daughters poor gender-confused comfort object. My mother-in-law made it (yep, I said "made it") for Adi-Baby for her 4th birthday, and she has been in love with him since. He started off a bright-white color, but has now faded to a dingy grayish one. I've had to sew his head back on, and originally he was a she. Adi decided that Snowball would make a better boy, but she continues to dress him in her own pink clothes and put her flowers and clips in his hair.

Just don't ask because I couldn't tell you why.
Anywho, yesterday my mom cut the girls each a beautiful tulip from her garden, and they were treasures to them. They were cradling them in their arms like babies.
Piper: Mom, will my flower die?
Me: Yes, sweetheart.
Adi: I want my flower to live forever.
Me: Honey, that can't happen.
Adi: Why not?
Me: Because everything has to die.
**Yup, I stepped right into it**
Tears well up in Adi's eyes and her lower lips starts shaking.
Adi: Even me?
Me: Well, yes. But we all get to go and live in Heaven with Heavenly Father.
Piper: And Grandpa Buckway because his brain bled (my mom had explained the circumstances of my grandfather's death to her).
Me: Yeah... and Nanny!
Adi (fat tears are rolling down her face): And Daddy?
Me: Daddy will be there too, but he won't go for a long time!
Adi: I don't want to go to Heaven!
Piper: It's ok Adi, Nana and me will be there too.
Louder sobs from the poor little girl.
Me: But you aren't going to go for a long, long time!
More sobs.
Me: Nae, why are you so upset? Heaven is a wonderful, beautiful place!
Adi: Because Daddy said that I can't take Snowball with me to Heaven!!!
Piper: It's ok Adi, I'll take care of him!
What a mess! I have vowed that for now on when we are in the car, I am going to turn the radio WAY up and not enter into any conversations with the kids!