Today is Orrin-Boys birthday... yeah! The birthday boy got steaks and baked potatoes for dinner, german chocolate cake for dessert and these pictures framed and ready to hang on the wall:

I know that I'm an enabler, but it's his day....
Today is Orrin-Boys birthday... yeah! The birthday boy got steaks and baked potatoes for dinner, german chocolate cake for dessert and these pictures framed and ready to hang on the wall:
Posted by Snort at 9:29 PM 3 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, OP, Piper, Porter
I am sure that Adi is fine, though, mostly for two reasons.
1)Porter and Piper are both in the low percentiles for their size and
2)Orrin and I were both tiny when we were her age.
But there is still that nasty worry pulling on me...
Posted by Snort at 9:19 PM 3 comments
Labels: Adi
Last night, for one night only, Disney broadcast the Hannah Montana 3D movie for all cable-subscribers to enjoy. We picked up our free 3D glasses at Walmart and gopt dressed in our Hannah Montana shirts (well, ok, I honestly don't have one, but the girls do).
We ordered some pizza (twice in one week, one kind of mother am I?), and then turned on the show.
***WARNING: This is a long post. Lots of pictures, a few stories, this and that. I am trying to make amends for the lack of posting lately***
Since yesterday was Pioneer day, I wanted to plan something really fun for us to do (especially since we are in the SL Valley). Unfortunately, I just couldn't think of anything.
Ok, Ok, I was so wrapped up in re-reading the Twilight books that I kind of forgot that the holiday was so close.
Well, in a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing, my Mom looked up This Is The Place Heritage Park online. Sounded perfect, so we left as early as possible so we could beat the crowds.
It was the perfect place to go on Pioneer Day! There were so many things to do and see- the girls even got to try out pulling a handcart...
They got to wash some rags the old-fashioned way,
coloring some wooden fish and snakes in the Shoshone (spelling?) house while we listened to the lady, who was dressed-up as an Indian character, tell us about the rattlesnake that likes to come into the house (that didn't scare me at all),
and even did a little leather working with Dad.
And what was Mr. Porter doing while the girls were doing this, you may ask? Running amuck of course!
He played in the little wooden houses,
and played with his new wooden pop-gun.
Piper and Porter's favorite part of the park, however, were the animals. We got to walk inside the baby-animal pen and pet some goats, calves, sheep and a big ole cow.
Here's a lil' clip of Porter meeting the goat- and if you listen closely, you can hear Orrin's impression of a goat :
Adi was less than enthusiastic about the animals (there was an incident when the calf snuck-up behind her and she nearly fell into a little creek- it had more than a few people giggling). She did, however, enjoy the pony ride.
And Adi was our little navigator through the village...
Porter kept pointing at the news chopper that was flying over the park (can you see the little dot up in the blue sky?).
Here's one of Porter being tortured by his sisters:
What was my favorite moment of the day? Porter and I were walking down the boardwalk, holding hands. Piper walked up next to P.G., and he reached over and grabbed her hand. My heart melted right then and there. For those who don't know my Lil' Man's personality, he isn't one for much affection toward his sisters. He prefers to bite, hit and head-butt them. He held her hand for five minutes!
Posted by Snort at 6:28 AM 1 comments
Now here's something cool that you don't get to see everyday:
Posted by Snort at 1:54 PM 5 comments
Your present is on the way.
OK, I haven't sent it yet, but I will soon... eventually....
Posted by Snort at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Orrin decided that he was sick of doing all of our "girly, boring stuff" on the weekend. You see, every Saturday, we do a "Family Fun Day", sometimes seeing movies, going to parks, etc. OP put himself in charge of this weeks fun.
He chose Cabelas. I was a little doubtful.
Turns out, I was wrong.
They have aquariams, stuffed animal exhibits, games, shopping, a gun muesem, a fudge shop... wow. I was impressed.
Here's Porter when we first walked into the aquarium room, notice his mouth:
Posted by Snort at 6:25 AM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, OP, Piper, Porter
Thank goodness for hot glue!
I'm glad you had fun in Disneyland, even though you went without us... just kidding!
Posted by Snort at 10:15 AM 1 comments
Labels: Scrapbooking phone that is. It was inside of Porter's shoe under a pile of laundry.
Good thing I decided to do laundry, huh?
Posted by Snort at 7:06 AM 1 comments
Labels: Me
I have, once again, lost my phone. I don't think that I should be allowed to have one. I am just not responsible enough.
I think that it is a very good thing that my kids make so much noise or I would have lost them by now.
So, if you are trying to contact me, try my email. I have yet to lose my computer (but give me time and I'm sure I'll do that too)...
Posted by Snort at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Me
Oh yeah. They have a giant lake where you can rent a canoe to paddle on it, several parks (we haven't hit all of 'em yet, but we're trying), a splash pad for kids, swimming pools, a gym, their own elementary school... EVERYTHING!!
Back to my kid, we get to the park that has this HUGE climbing-thingy (anyone know what they are called?) and Adi takes off running for it and has climbed up it, back down, and then back up it before I even get there.
She loves it. Not to be outdone by her big sis, Piper also starts climbing. She gets to where she is in the picture above and decides that she is too scared to continue up or to climb back down. Now, I have a belief that kids need to learn how to work through their fears, so I tell her that if she wants to get down she is going to have to do it by herself. That was before I stood underneath of her in the dome and realizedjust how high and just how posible it was for her to fall. Memories of her previously broken leg come to me. I figured that just this once I could go get her. I started climbing (which is no small feat for me- I am a little afraid of heights myself) and soon realized that there was a flaw in my plan: how was I actually supposed to get her down? I couldn't carry her down.
By the time I got back down and was ready to catch her from beneath, she suddenly decided that she was no longer afraid and had started working her way back down by herself. Figures.
Porter didn't much care for the climbing, he loves running in the grass and waiting for the opportunity to run into the street and catch one of the cool construction trucks that kept speeding by.
Oh, and his shirt says it all. If you can't quite read it, it says, "Trouble. Since Day One."
Posted by Snort at 1:32 PM 1 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, Piper, Porter, Utah
I love digi-scrapping (especially buying digi-scrapping kits). I really, really do. But lately, I have fallen into a scrapping rut. I keep collecting more and more kits, yet I haven't made a page in forever! I decided to start doing some design challenges and hopefully I can start feeling the magic again!
Anyway, I did the latest challenge on Tangie's Design Loft, and although I'm not sure that I 100% love it, here is the result:I'm actually supposed to post this in a gallery, but due to technical issues (or my own brain malfunctioning on me again), I am unable to do so.
This pic was the one I took for our Christmas cards in 2006, which never actually got sent out. What can I say, I always have good intentions...
**Whoops, I forgot to list the credits for the page (I do that a lot, but I actually caught myself this time!)**
Alphas are from Tangie's store, here, here and here. Green paper from here and red paper is from Tangie's kit Sweet Shoppe which I can no longer find in the store. Paper, Braket frame, hanging clip and staple from Brit-tish Designs here.
Posted by Snort at 5:35 PM 2 comments
Labels: Adi, Piper, Scrapbooking
The 4th of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love BBQ's, fireworks, and spending some quality time with family outside.
We tried to cook pancakes and eggs on a little camp stove from Walmart, but when it takes 10 minutes to cook one hotcake, you gotta find ways to entertain all the kids...
Posted by Snort at 10:32 AM 2 comments