Friday, August 29, 2008
*I Like Her*
Good choice, McCain, good choice.
**Who liked the glass ceiling remark? I thoroughly enjoyed it!**
Posted by Snort at 8:08 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
He's Trouble Now
Thanks Heber for the Adventure Bag- Porter is just figuring out how useful and functional it is!
I had a theme song for Piper when she was about this age. Ever heard the song Trouble by Pink? Well that song now fits our little Bear Cub to a tee. He gets into everything, he climbs on everything, he hits everything, and he picks his nose.He is turning into a little boy instead of a baby.
Our Hometeachers came over tonight, and the boy was out of control! He was running laps around the dining room, shaking the lamp, climbing up and down the stairs and screaming for attention. Where did my cute lil' baby boy with the deep dimples go?
Well, he still has the dimples, but usually when I see them I know that he is up to no good...
Here's a clip of how we entertain our hyper-active monkey.
Posted by Snort at 7:01 PM 3 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Appropiate Talk
"Mom," Adi says with quiet exasperation. "Don't talk like that-we're in public."
Posted by Snort at 9:20 PM 2 comments
Labels: Adi, Conversations With My Daughters
Friday, August 22, 2008
A Little Power Shopping On Etsy
Bought this...

For my mom's b-day from here for... well they were presents, so I don't want to completely disclose the amount, but you can get on her site and see for yourself ;)
Posted by Snort at 9:33 AM 1 comments
Labels: Shopping
Thursday, August 21, 2008
What has Cadet Merrill been up to?
Well, I am so glad that you asked, since I just got a copy of him getting sprayed with OC. What is OC? Well, OC, or Pepper Spray, is an inflammatory agent; not an irritant. When someone is sprayed with OC pepper spray, the person's eyes slam shut. Even if someone does manage to get their eyes open, they won't be able to see because OC dilates the capillaries and causes temporary blindness. Additionally, instant inflammation of the breathing tissues restricts all but life suport breathing. They double over coughing uncontrollably. No, I didn't write that, they did. There is a better explanation of it here also.
Now, keep in mind, that the stuff used by prison guards is about 50 times more potent than pepper spray that you can buy.
Watch this and be prepared to be amazed (I would like to say that OP was the first one to be sprayed since everyone else was a bit hesitant to do so). Oh, and there is another guy that goes after OP, but you don't want to watch him...
Posted by Snort at 3:12 PM 4 comments
Labels: OP
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Stayin' Busy
My posts have been so sparse lately and I know that you all wait, holding your breath, for my next little story. Because of this reason, I feel the need to explain. I was invited to a baby shower for a bouncing baby girl two days before the event.
So I worked my tail off to make these cuties (I'm not one for conventional, off-the-gift-registry, presents). Here's what I came up with:

Posted by Snort at 1:56 PM 5 comments
Labels: Me
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Oh My, My Pipes
I call Piper my Lil' Sunshine. When that girl's face breaks into a smile, it is truley like the storm clouds parted and rays of light have streamed across her dimpled face. I envy Pipe's passion- she is so focused on whatever it may be that she is doing. The good part of this is that whatever she is doing she puts her whole heart into it. When she is giving you a hug, you can feel her whole being poured into you. The bad part, however, is that when something goes wrong or not according to her plan, one needs a pair of earplugs to keep her earth-shattering screams from rupturing one's ear drums. Seriously.
This little girl is all heart; so sensitve, so loving. We do, however, also call her the mob boss. When you send Pipes to take care of something or someone, she (pretend I have a Brooklyn accent here) "takes care of it". If I ask her to get Porter, she tackles him and drags him to me. That kind of thing.
Now, please indulge me while I share some pics of Piper growing up....
This pic is just so... Piper
After the girls gave Pipes a haircut...
Two year picture
She just does some of the strangest things...
Posted by Snort at 1:08 PM 3 comments
Labels: Parent Stuff, Piper
Friday, August 15, 2008
Where Have I Been?
Well, Piper turned 4 and we had a Little Pony Party...

and we tried to get a group photo.
Aunt Whitney came down to party with us...
The girls played in a splash pad (Adi-Baby's favorite thing to do),

we discovered that Piper is a Gamer like her Daddy,

I've also been watching a lot of The Office while doing my "chores", so that has significantly lengthened the time it takes me to do anything (an I'm watching an episode right now).
Posted by Snort at 10:02 PM 2 comments
Labels: Adi, Me, Parent Stuff, Piper, Porter
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
My little girl has started kindergarden.
I knew the day was coming. It is, afterall, inevitable.
But still.
Tuesday morning went smoothly. She chose french toast for breakfast got dressed in her cute lil' outfit (thanks Aunt Whit), and told me how to do her hair.
Then we were off to school. When we got to her class, she waved, blew me a kiss, and was gone.
No tears (except from me).
And I am on the PTA.
Posted by Snort at 2:00 PM 5 comments
Labels: Adi, Parent Stuff
Monday, August 04, 2008
Friday, August 01, 2008
A Day With Porter....
My lil' man has gotten to that age. You know what age I'm talking about, right? The age where you can't even take a minute's break, or else something will end up broken or someone will end up hurt. I am finally starting to recognize the difference between raising girls and raising boys.
I thought of this little video and thought that I should share what my day with Porter-Boy is really like.
Yup. The boy may not catch on fire (yet), but this portrayal is pretty darn close. And Porter even looks like Jack Jack!
If you don't believe me or if you think that I am exaggerating, I challenge you to babysit him...
Posted by Snort at 8:49 PM 1 comments