But I have to say that I love it. Mostly because of all the old friends and family I've been able to track down and keep in touch with.
One of these long-lost-relatives that I love is Mrs. Blair, here. She found me through her hubby's cousin's bloglist (my hubby happened to grow up with afore-mentioned cousins. Confused yet?)
Anywho, looking at her blog is my fav. I love her projects that she does, like these awesome pumpkins (I'm hoping the cheap plastic things will go clearance after Halloween for even cheaper). Oh, and how could I forget this chair? I'm still jealous that someone else bought it :( I also love her movie reviews. Nothing like having someone tell you how bad a movie stinks before your hubby makes you go see it!
So, have I thanked you and complimented you enough yet, Blair? Honestly, you should be blushing right now.
So, this wonderful cousin of mine gave me this fun little award:

I do, mostly because I never win anything...
I'm supposed to pass this lovely award onto seven other wonderfully creative people. But since I try my hardest to never follow the rules, I'm not going to (that, and because I like to drift namelessly from blog to blog without people knowing I stalk them).
But, I will fulfill another obligation, which is list seven things people may not know about me.
1) I do not like store-bought art. Except for these awesome temple pics and certain Christ artwork. I believe that I have my own little masterpieces (meaning the three little ones running around here) and prefer to pepper my walls with them.
2) I was in honors and AP english all throughout junior high and high school (and a bit of college) and have read so many of the great classics. Yet, I still prefer to sink my teeth into a good old vampire novel. And not just Twilight. If you've seen them in Walmart or Target, I've probably read it.
3) I'm a homebody. I prefer to stay at home (unless going shopping). And I prefer doing things with family. That way I don't have to make excuses for my randomness- I can just relax and know that even though they may not like me, they do love me :)
4) I am addicted to the DVR. I really am.
5) I prefer to laugh when my kids do naughty things than to correct them. Alas, I must play bad guy and punish them, though.
6) I still bite my nails. And probably will forever.
7) If you want me to do something for you, buy me a Dr. Pepper and I will be your endentured servant as long as the bubbly-sweetness lasts.
So there you go. My deepest, darkest secrets.
Good thing this blog is private...