we watched this:
and this:
Thank you Mormon Messages for making Family Home Evening so easy.
Then we played "The Stare Game" (OP is the reining champ) and ate pudding cake.
Monday, August 30, 2010
For F.H.E tonight
Posted by Snort at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family Fun
Sunday, August 29, 2010
We're Having a....
Sorry that it has taken me so long... I am a bit lazy these days when it comes to computer stuff.
Anywho, I was like 98% sure that this baby was a girl.
I even had a rather large pile of girl stuff that I had already bought. Because I was that sure.
OP couldn't get off work for the ultrasound, so my mommy came and we brought all three kiddos so they could watch their baby move around... I was regretting this decision after sitting in the waiting room for ten minutes.
I was then questioning my own sanity after sitting in the waiting room after 20 minutes (full bladdder + antsy kids + pregnant woman= Angry Woman).
Finally we got to go back, and right away the technician said, "Oh, do you guys want to know if it's a brother or sister?"
"It's a baby brother!"
Ummm... "Wait, what?" That was from me. I admit I was on the shocked side here.
So she showed me. And the proof is definitely in the pudding.
So now we are going to have the perfecto family: 2boys, two girls. I never thought that I would be so lucky! Porter is so stinking excited, he has already decided that they are going to have bunk beds (PG gets top bunk, of course).
So after we dropped the girlies off at school, PG and I had to run around to a few different stores and exchange the pink and ruffly stuff I had bought for blue and masculine stuff.
And now OP and I are arguing over names.
Wish us luck!
P.S. I already bought the boys matching army-looking "Big Brother" and "Little Brother" (and the girls get zebra print, sprakly "Big Sister") jammies for Christmas. I am so excited!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Just thought I'd share
two of Porter-Pot's favorite things:
his Lightning McQueen jammies and his trampoline.
He is so easy to please!
Posted by Snort at 2:57 PM 1 comments
Labels: Porter
Saturday, August 21, 2010
A Mermaid's Party
Piper wanted a Mermaid party for her birthday.
Cool beans. I thought. I'll buy a pool, fill up a few water balloons. Easy, peasy.
Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find a pool after July. And by difficult, I mean impossible. So we settled on a water slide and a sprinkler under the tramp. Plus, we had a whole mini-pool filled with water balloons.
Here's Adi and Pipes waiting for the guests to get there...
I made (with help from my Momma) mermaid tales for all of the girls. Some of the girlies wouldn't wear them however. And as soon as we started the water games they all took them off.
But then, on the day of her party, a freak wind storm came up, and we could barely do anything outside. You can see me on the edge of the photo trying to hold down the top of the water slide. The wind kept blowing the top of the slide upside down.
Then the girls attempted a relay race involving water balloons, the slip-n-slide, a wet kiddie slide and then jumping on the tramp...
It turned into Whitney and I just throwing all the balloons onto the tramp while the girls jumped.
The girls tried to make seashell necklaces, but by this point the wind was so bad that their bags of beads wouldn't even stay on the table.
Not to mention that the table decorations wouldn't stay on the table.
So I had to quickly move everything inside and set it up for the 11 girls to eat in here.
The cake. Oh the cake.
Originally, Piper wanted a cake made of Jello. Easy, right? Put some blue Jello into a bundt pan, add some sweedish fish and whip cream, and Wahla! Jello cake.
Except that the Jello kind of fell apart when I dumped it out of the pan. And the sweedish fish turned pink and looked really quite nasty.
So OP made a quick run to Costco and just got a white cake with some huge and ugly red and blue flowers in the middle. Whitney removed said flowers and we added this Mermaid bracelt thingy in the middle.
Not too bad, eh?
Piper really enjoyed everyone singing to her.
After we loaded the girls up on sugar, we had Pipes open her presents.
Whit and I taught them the fine art of "Heavy, heavy hangover".
We then turned on some Camp Rock 2, Selena Gomez and the like and the girls got to dance (inside) and act as crazy as they wanted to.
It turned out pretty well, considering all the obstacles that sprung up, so I'm going to chalk this party up as a success.
But I will probably never count on the weather for an outside party again :)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
She's SIX!!

Anyway, since before this little princess-cowgirl was born, she has had a mind of her own. She kept trying to come out early (thus bedrest for Momma). I then had to go in every couple of days to have stress tests done on her, she would literally run away from the monitors so the nurse had to stand by me and constantly shift the them around so they could try to keep up with her vitals.
She was born four weeks early, and she came out at 7lbs 11 oz (HUGE for a preemie) and screaming red.
Since then, Piper has done exactly what she wants to do. She has created more "artwork" on my walls than her brother and sister combined, goes through more clothes in one day than normal children go through in a week, and redoes her hair how she wants it right after I finish it.
Pipes also makes Orrin and I the sweetest, most wonderful notes and pictures, she loves her little brother with all her heart (even though he has a tendency of using her as a chew toy), and is always the first one to help me when it's cleaning time.
She is the crowned queen of hide-and-seek in our family, the first one to love someone better when they are hurt or upset, and always wakes up with a grin.
She throws her heart and soul into everything she does, whether it is making her artwork, cleaning her room, giving a hug, learning how to use the Skip-It just as good as Adi, or simply throwing a ginormous fit.
Piper is just plain Piper.
Her name fits her to a tee.
We call Pippy our own little sunshine because when this little girl is happy, she can make everyone around her smile and laugh. Her smile is infectious and she just radiates bliss.
And I love this little girl more than I could possibly ever explain, and am so eager to watch her transform into the great woman I know she will be someday.
I just hope she doesn't grow-up too quickly!
Posted by Snort at 6:45 AM 3 comments
Labels: Piper