
Saturday, October 06, 2007

Halloween sure is scary, decorating for it I mean

I'm a little behind this year with getting all of my decorations up. Maybe it's because I've been sewing costumes. Or maybe because of my new obsession with digi scrapping. Or maybe, just maybe, it's because I have three little angels who seem to turn into devils whenever I try to do something that requires my attention away from them. Finally, I let them destroy the house with stuff to entertain them (and build Porter a little play house just for him).

The biggest detour in my decorating plans however, came not from my children but from a couple of chirping baby birds. I started putting up some lights & spiderwebs in my tree, when I noticed a little yellow-breasted bird hopping around the branches and chirping like crazy. Upon further inspection I found a tiny nest tucked up in, full of baby birds. I tried to get a picture, but the mommy bird did a pretty good job of hiding it!

So my plans for the front yard have been derailed, but the girls had a ball looking at the babies!