This boy is very lucky that he was born with dimples. And big blue eyes. And curly white-blonde hair. Otherwise his Mommy would be in the crazy-house by now. As we got close to entering the church today, Porter realized just where he was being taken and decided to run the other way, yelling, "No."
Well, I get him inside and try to put him in Nursery.... yeah right. He clung to me while screaming, "Mama!" The teachers told me to just leave him, but when those baby blues are all teary, he can pretty much get whatever he wants from me. So I stayed for about half-an-hour before I finally got the chance to sneak out. I watched him through the window for awhile and saw him cut in the slide-line, tell the other boys "no" when they tried to go down- he even planted his lil' behind on the bottom of the slide and wouldn't move.
I snuck a peak again at snack time and he was pointing at the little boy sitting next to him and telling him "no" for no apparent reason. The leaders had to push Porter-Pot away from all of the other kids.
He then terrorized my Mom during sacrament (it was the Primary Program today so my mom watched him while I kept gesturing at Piper to sit down and cover-up her panites).
It was so much fun. Yep.
And then we got home, where he continued his rein of terror.
But, he's sleeping now so it all seems so cute and funny.
That is, until he wakes up.