
Friday, May 29, 2009

Breakfast at Copperton

This is Piper waiting.

She is waiting for her Mom and Dad to find Copperton Park so that she can have her cinnamon roll and then play.

So, OP and I got a bit lost on the way to the park on Monday (ok, I didn't actually know where it was, but we had fun trying to find it. At least I did).

Copperton Park was my favorite park as a kid, so I was more than a little excited to spend the morning there with my own kiddos....

Climbing the giant tires from Kennecot.

Watching Porter climb to the top, decide it is too scary to go down, then climbing back to the ground. Then repeat at least 10 times.

Torturing the kiddos whilest I snapped pictures.

Watching Adi just doing her thing.


Whitopher said...

Awwh... the memories.