Adi had her Kindergarten Program yesterday (thank goodness they didn't have a kindergarten graduation- I would have hated to boycott my own daughter's day). Anywho, Adi looked like an angel sitting up there on the stage- she had practiced so hard for months to be able to sing all of the songs loud and clear and to say her part without any help.

I promised Nae that I would post all of her songs on here for all of our long-lost family to watch, but due to two horrific happenings beyond my control (ok, I put off charging my camera's battery until an hour before the program and didn't charge the video camera at all- I know, I know), my battery was nearly dead when we got there, so I only have a couple of songs, but I did get her saying her part!
**Oh and sorry about how shaky the recording is. I was having a hard time keeping the camera steady while being jostled by every other parent trying to record.**
To say that I was an emotional wreck watching her up there being a big-girl would be an understatement. Wasn't she born just last month? Learning to talk last week? How is it that I watch her grow and change everyday and yet days like this seem to smack me upside the head and say "She's growing so quickly"? She can now tell the time, sound out words, tie her shoes, add and subtract, and dial phone numbers. We celebrate each of these new little pieces of freedom she learns, and yet...
Soon she'll be off to first grade, staying at school all day, eating lunch with her friends (hopefully Mommy can remember to pack said lunch), and not with me. Playing with her friends, and not with me. Telling her oh-so-important secrets to her friends, and not to me...
Bittersweet, isn't it?