This afternoon was a difficult one for me.
All I wanted to do was do a little light shopping at a few of my favorite stores. I wanted to quietly enjoy Hobby Lobby, Kohls and Target. Please.
Unfortunately, my kiddos had other plans which did not include either quiet or shopping.
So, while I was in the throes of my anger and frustration, an unfriendly truth slapped me in the face:
My greatest stress and my greatest pride in this world are the same thing-
Friday, July 31, 2009
A great truth
Posted by Snort at 4:44 PM 2 comments
Labels: Adi, Parent Stuff, Piper, Porter
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
It has happened.
Adi started 1st grade this morning.
Sure, she already did the whole Kindergarten thing and you would think that I would be over the whole separation-anxiety thing.
But she's going full day. 7 HOURS. I hate to sound obvious, but that is ALL DAY!
She stared at the clock all morning long, given me minute-by-minute updates of how long we have until she HAS to go.
She said that she didn't want me to walk her to where her class lines-up, even though every other parent got to *sniff*.
So I drive up to the appointed drop-off place, watch as my little girl climbs out of the car, slams the door and ventures into a new world.
Unfortunately, the parents behind me did not understand the highly-poignant moment I was experiencing and began honking for me to move on. So I did, wondering why I am always being forced to move past these type of things.
But I drove through the line-up of cars again to catch one last glimpse of my tiny girl. To make sure that she was all right, and not crying for her mommy (she wasn't).
And then I left her to experience her wonderful, grand adventure.
Posted by Snort at 8:44 AM 2 comments
Labels: Adi, Parent Stuff, School
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Good Morning Beautiful!
We had strawberry shortcake for dessert on Sunday. Yummy. But since then I've had the left over strawberry glaze, strawberries and whipped cream staring at me everytime I open the fridge.
"How can I use this stuff before it goes bad?" I asked myself.
Well, Adi asked me to make silver-dollar pancakes for breakfast this morning and it came to me: Strawberry Shortcake Pancakes.
Unfortunately, OP polished off the last of the strawberries last night, but I still layered the tiny pancakes, glaze, sprinkles of sugar and whipped cream (and OP added pecans to his).
As Porter would say, "Num."
(that's Porter-talk for yummy)
Posted by Snort at 9:23 AM 2 comments
Labels: Recipes
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I am SO making some of these...
Our poor little Adi has a long torso and long legs (for such a shorty lil' girl) that she can't wear a lot of her clothes. We can put leggings under her shorter skirts, and now these under her shirts. Now, where to find some knit material? Any suggestions?
Posted by Snort at 9:14 AM 1 comments
Labels: Crafts
Monday, July 20, 2009
What else I've been doing lately....
Some more thrift shopping.
I think that I just may be addicted. Awesome prices and so much potential!
Anywho, I found this desk at the D.I. Two spray paint cans later we had this (no before pics, sorry. That would require forethought :)
Posted by Snort at 7:12 PM 2 comments
Labels: Crafts, decorating, Shopping
I've been trying to plan this....
What can I say? I'm a chump.
Posted by Snort at 12:57 PM 2 comments
Labels: Piper
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Let's play a little game
b) Piper dumps the bike, Adi kicks Porter out of the stroller so Piper can sit there, then Adi rides off, pulling Pipes and leaves P.G. screaming in the middle of the road.
c) They all fall and cry about skinned knees for an hour.
No, there is no prize for getting it right- beyond the satisfaction of knowing my family so well!
Posted by Snort at 1:15 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Please take a look....
If you have any sense of humor at all, and you *heart* Twilight (as I know many of you do) you will get a kick out of this site.
Posted by Snort at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
My favorite game...
I have this little game that I like to play very much. It is called: How Much Can Courtney Get For $20. The rules are simple: Courtney has $20. She must spend that $20 (because that's how I roll). She must get as much possible for that $20.
I am the reining queen of it.
Sure, sure, the game might be a bit biased toward myself, but I can't help it. It's just how it is.
Because I am so secure in my winner-status, I felt that I could share some of my spoils with all my friends...
Let's start with Kohl's. Oh, how I love me a good Kohl's clearance rack. Who doesn't? Today I discovered this gem of a dress that I've had my eye on for about 4 months now, just waiting for the right moment. And that moment came today. $13.80. It was on the 80% off rack, so I don't think that it would go lower.
And these cutsie panties (which I am sure one day my girls will die in embarrassment when they find that I posted these for the blogging world to oggle at). Mudd brand- which usually go for 4 for $9.
There was a 15% off coupon used also... so cha-ching!
Then I went to the D.I. and found these wonderful Old Navy distressed jeans with flowers on the back pocket and leather detailing. For $3. And yes, I can see my lil' sis cringing while she reads this. But, Whit my dear, they are being washed as I type.
OK, I might have *stretched* the rules a bit and had to scrounge for quarters to make up the $1.67 difference, but still. A gorgeous dress, 12 pairs of socks, 4 pairs of underwear, and Old Navy Jeans for $21.67?
I still rein supreme.
After I got home from Kohly's, I discovered a lovely $10 gift certificate there in my Inbox.
WAHOO!! So back to Kohls I went ('cause I had to go while my 15% off coupon was still good).
So, I ended up spending $2.71 and got the following awesome stuff:
Posted by Snort at 12:44 PM 4 comments
Thursday, July 09, 2009
And this is why Piper is the bomb-diggety
You should have seen her earlier when the shirt was tucked in...
Posted by Snort at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: Piper
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
A letter to my son in 14 years...
Tonight we fought a tough battle, you and I. Earlier we had a Big Boy Party for you where everyone applauded while you threw away all of your Baby Bottles. We chanted loudly about your newly achieved Big-Boy-status. You grinned and drank Sprite, and thought we were all crazy.
And then came bed time. At first you were confused that Dad and I were tucking you into bed, doing our nightly ritual, while excluding that most-important step: giving you your lovely bottle full of your lovely water. Then you got sad. Very sad.
And then you got mad. Very, very mad.
After thirty minutes of sweetly putting you back into your cowboy bed and explaining why your wonderful bottles were suddenly unavailable to you, you gave up on Daddy called my name.
"Momma..." you've always known that I was the softie.
I ended up snuggled in your teeny-weeny twin sized bed, with my tires fingers working their way through your baby-soft hair. I sang you your favorite song, "Beautiful Boy" (thank you John Lennon).
This song is special for us, me and you. I have been singing this song to you since I found out that the tiny squirming being inside me was a boy. It got us through ear infections, long car rides, sleepless nights, and now it helped us through your first night as a true Big Boy.
I don't know how much longer you will allow me to play in your tiny curls while croaking to you our song, but
Thank you for tonight.
For reminding how magical the small moments of togetherness truly are. Oh, how I love you my little Porter Pot.
Posted by Snort at 8:17 PM 2 comments
Labels: Porter
Thrifty Me
Lately I've had an itch to go peruse my local thrift store in search of some mega deals (this itchy-ness is due to reading Blaire's blog-she finds some awesome stuff). Here was my big find/project yesterday:
But, some batting, fabric and staples later, it morphed it into this:
A much-needed headboard for my Baby Boy's room (I just threw the pillows on this morning for the picture- please don't judge my bed-making capabilities).
I'm almost finished with Porter Pot's room now, so I'll be posting pics soon...
Posted by Snort at 6:06 AM 3 comments
Sunday, July 05, 2009
How did we spend the 4th?
sword fighting,

total bubble-popping,

swan rides (you can see how much Porter-Pot enjoyed that)

swing rides

A jail break...

'mallow roasting over an open BBQ (fancy, I know)

the eating of s'mores

firework watching (yes, we did it while there was still sunshine. But these three kids needed sleep badly!)

and, of course, sparklers.

Posted by Snort at 3:57 PM 3 comments
Labels: 4th of July, Adi, Family Fun, Holidays, Piper, Porter
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Red, White and Blue, Baby!
I want a ship that's westward bound to plough the rolling sea
To the blessed land of Room Enough beyond the ocean bars,
Where the air is full of sunlight and the flag is full of stars.
~Henry Van Dyke
Posted by Snort at 5:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: 4th of July, Holidays
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Sew Crazy
My amiga Harmony came over yesterday, and after a healthy lunch of Wendy's hamburgers, we released all of our crazy kids outside to play and get wild with water while us ladies got wild with the fabric.
We sewed for about 4 hours straight.... oh my. By the end I was ready to throw my sew machine in the garbage and just walk away. Luckily, Harmony was the voice of reason and kept me focused on the end results, which were:
Porter's 4th of July shirt
And a couple of other fun little summer dresses.
I have a few other dresses to finish, but I'm not sure when I will work up the courage to pull out the sewing beast again...