
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

To eat an ice cream cone

Poor lil' Wyatt. 

Can you believe that he has never had a McDonald's ice cream cone?

For shame!

I finally decided that this was the day to just forget about the massive mess that will follow, and just let the poor kid enjoy one of the finer things in life.

Here is step-by-step instructions on how to eat some soft-serve goodness.

Because you obviously don't know how.

For the first taste, you do not lick.  Never.  You use your hand to scoop some of the creamy goodness into your mouth.

Once you have decided that the ice cream is to your liking, take a tentative bite.

Consider the vanilla flavoring and the coolness as it gently melts in your mouth.

At this time, please feel free to dig into the cone with very little regard for your shirt or face.

Perhaps you would like to set your cone down and give yourself a rest from the heavy lifting.

Oh, no!  Cone down!  Cone down!


Phew.  Mommy saved the day and even licked the nasty table germs off the ice cream so you can continue enjoying your treat.

Now, take time to stare off and consider life while you let the sugar course through your body.

Also, the chicks really dig this pose.

And that is the correct way to enjoy a McDonald's ice cream cone.