
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Oh Snap! It's Independence Day.

As I was browsing through my pictures from the 4th, I realized that a whole bunch of what we did I had gotten the original idea from Pinterest.  I am such a follower.

Anyway, we started off the morning with blueberry mini muffins (and chocolate chip ones for the haters) and bubbles.  How else would one kick off Independence Day?

We went swimming for lunch with dear old Aunt Stephanie (no pics of her lovleyness).  Well, we stayed at the pool for a bit, but since it was monsooning we just left and ate pizza at home and watched Independence Day.  Because what other movie is there?

We had some down time,

and then we got ourselves all festive for the day.  We tried hair chalking- and I have a few things to say about it.  Yes it works.  I'm not sure if it's just our type of hair or not, but our hair got really matted and gross feeling after doing it.  Anyone else ever done it?  I would love to compare results.  I'm thinking maybe if I had sprayed our hair with conditioning spray first...

I digress.

We got ourselves pretty.

Yes, even the boys joined in on the primping (that's the hazard of having a mom like me).

We then attempted taking a group photo.  It did not go well.

The kid seriously hates it when I take pictures of him.  

We went over to Aunt Whitney and Uncle Chris's for a BBQ.  And boy, did Whit and I have fun decorating for the fourth.

Yeah, we're pretty much awesome. 

We ate until we waddled, 

and then watched a most delightful performance of Firework by these two fancy ladies.

In the midst of their dancing frenzy, little Porter-Pot decided to push an ottoman across Whitney's very beautiful wood floor.  Oh, crap.

Have I mentioned how amazingly awesome my very forgiving sister is?

After we all recovered from the most traumatic experience, we went out and threw Snap-Its at each other.  'Cause that's how we roll.


Once the sun set, we traipsed off to a local park in hopes of seeing the fireworks without having to deal with all of the people.  It didn't really work, but we had fun laying there and pretending to see them :)

And there you have it.  Our celebration summed up... well, it wasn't really summed.  It kinda took a long time to share it all. 

God bless America!