
Monday, January 07, 2013

A Sneaky-Peek

I suppose that if I tell you that we moved recently, you wouldn't be surprised...

Seeing as how I've been using the move as an excuse for everything that I've fallen behind in.

Anyway, before we actually did the moving, we brought the kiddos to the house to run wild and free while OP and I did our final look-over of the house (in case we found something so detrimentally horrible that we wanted to back out).

The kiddos broke in the house with cartwheels, jumping, yelling ("It echos, Mom!"), and generally running a muck. 

Same old, same old.

Have I mentioned that this house was a foreclosure and has a few rough edges?  'Cause it was... and it does. 

But we're still all very much in love with it.

One can escape a screaming toddler in the kitchen,

cartwheel in the front room area,

pose awkwardly in this little round-a-bout thingy,

scale the pantry shelves while pretending they are the Cliffs of Insanity,

...did I mention the stairs?  The kids are so excited over the stinking stairs.  They make it a point to tell everyone that their new house has stairs.  And everyone has tripped down (or up) them at least twice already.

Back to the possibilities of this new abode:

Once can do even more cartwheels in the loft,

try to show off your new room, but since there are no light fixtures in there, you stand sweetly in the doorway while your sister photo bombs you,

(Wyatt doesn't seem too be too excited over his room)

gaze longing out of your new bedroom window (poor girlies are still sharing a room),

but don't feel too bad for them.  They have a little suite with it's own bathroom.  Spoiled brats.

One can even pose uncomfortably in Mom and Dad's shelves in their closet.

At the end of the day, we all felt like this:

And we still do :)


Whitopher said...

Yay for a new house!!!

Whitopher said...

Yay for a new house!!!

Unknown said...

It looks spectacular!