
Friday, January 04, 2013

Buckway Merriment

*I am so not wanting to put any effort into any posts right now, so here is an incredibly condensed version of our par-tay*

**And by condensed I mean: still a ton of pictures, but not so many words**

How better to celebrate Christmas than a lumberjack-themed party?

I know, right?

Whoever came up with that theme must be a creative genious.


Ok, it was me.  I saw it on Pinterest (where else?) and fell in love.  Unfortunately, due to the whole moving fiasco, I was unable to fully focus my attention on  the party, but, hey, I sure did try.

I tried to do a photo booth.  Very poor lighting in my selected area.  Very poor.  Plus the stinking adorable background/wrapping paper was bit too busy.  But I think most people still enjoyed it.

**certain people asked not to be posted on the blog... but Adi was so cute I just placed a snowman in his stead**

Then there was the food.  And the decorations.

It was all delicious.  Especially Wyatt's plate of potato chips and a roll.  Yum.

Let's not forget to clump Zach's birthday party in here, just like we did growing up.

We had our annual "Guess How Many Pieces Of Candy Is In The Eleven Year-Old Snowman Jar".  Someone from my family has won the past three years in a row.  Winner has to fill the jar for the next year.  And it ain't cheap to completely fill that thing.  This year, it was Adi's turn to run the game.  Thankfully, Papa took her to the store and assisted in her candy purchase.  For once, my forgetful memory has helped me!

Piper's trying to do the math...

 Hurray!  Dean won!  Not anyone in my family!

Have fun filling that thing, Marissa.

We then had our annual Ornament Exchange.

Played a few games (Adi and I might have butted control-freak heads a few times during them).

And then the adults played our jar exchange whilest the kiddos did their crafts.

Onto the gifts!

The three oldest girls simultaneously opened their gifts from Whit and Chris...

Wait for it....


Their expressions were pretty much the best part of the night.

And then Aunt Whit gave Wyatt (what I will forever think of as) his first love.

His very own Wy-Fi scooter.  He rode it for the rest of the party, clung to the handlebars all the way home, and we had to pry it out of his claws to get him to go to bed.

P.S.  My Mom and Dad's house was thoroughly trashed by the time we left.  Mission accomplished.


Whitopher said...

You always throw the best parties :)