
Monday, April 01, 2013

And now, his actual birthday...

On the morning of his birthday, Porter came down to his gloriously decorated celebratory table.

And, of course, his birthday chair.

Since the theme of the day was army-stuff, PG was given his very own dog tags.

Aww.  Look at that bed head. 

And his big gift?

I don't know who was more excited, Orrin or Porter.

We are most definitely crazy.

His sisters gave him a bunch of homemade things (a bunch of rainbow-colored pre-folded paper airplanes, a bug jar... things of that sort).  And a random sweatband.  I still have no idea where that came from.

For his breakfast feast, Porter Pot chose birthday cake pancakes smeared in a gooey glaze.

And because he is such a spoiled brat, he got McDonalds for lunch.  And got to eat there and play on the play place.

For you special birthday dinner?

Salad bar.

Yes.  This kid is so stinking strange.

Peanut butter and chocolate rice krispie roll-up for your cake (you love frosting but hate cake).

Happy birthday, my little six year old.


Whitopher said...

That sweat band came from Chris and I. It was in all that stuff we brought over for the kids.

Unknown said...

that last picture is priceless! Happy Birthday Porter.