How to catch a leprechaun (Orrin's trap idea... mine was more ornate, but the girls only wanted to do Daddy's):

We did catch something....

(The pic is blurry, but it was too cute not to share)
Here's what our little green fella did in retaliation for the kids trying to catch him- nothing was done to Mom and Dad since leprechauns are afraid of Daddys:

You can't see Piper's Irish footprints because her head was cocked at a funny angle when I, I mean the leprechaun, left the tracks. Right after he stamped her, she rolled over and rubbed her cheek. *Sigh*
And here's the nutritious breakfast he left for us (I had to practically force the girls to drink the green milk. Turns out, it tastes just like white milk).

Don't get pinched!