
Friday, March 27, 2009

Porter's B-day, Part 2

Porter had a Cars birthday (mostly because mommy found a bunch of Cars stuff on clearance at Target and Walmart).

Nana and Papa's present (the thing is huge! it extends all the way to the ceiling!)

Here's my baby girl following in her momma's footsteps

P.G. really wasn't too sure about everyone singing to him...

But Daddy helped him out (I accidentally made the contrast a bit much on this photo, but I'm really not wanting to fix it right now)

Opening gifts.

Porter's new bestest friend, my cous Jarren.

Sorry for the quick post, but I don't have much time this morning and I know if I don't do it now, I probably won't get around to doing it!


Whitopher said...

The cake looked adorable! I guess you need me there to take pictures for you, hu?

Ali P. said...

Sweet little guy!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Porter! I love the cake! What did you use for the 2? Hey Lindy says you guys are coming down?!?!?!? We def have to have a girls night out!

RissaB said...

Looks like you had some fun.. Katelynn has the same basketball hoop.. She still hasnt quite figured how to play, she thinks you just hold the ball and they chase you around..