
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

That Boy O' Mine

I'm pretty sure that I have mentioned what a fun little terror Porter has become these days. Emotional tirades, constant stubborness, and vicious biting is all included in this adorable boy's day (the first ten minutes he is awake, that is). But with these new little adventures comes the most exciting part of raising a little person: the never-ending expansion of their minds. Every day this boy learns something wonderful and new. From new favorite books (Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?) to new dangerous places to climb and play (and new ways to make his mom scream in terror). He also discovered just how much fun Cup Of Noodles are:

I was trying to convince Porter of the merits in eating dinner since he seems to think that it is optional these days :)


Whitopher said...

Mmmm, that looks good! He is so stinkin cute!

Anonymous said...

I love the mo-hawk! Sounds exactly like Jeffy! But I do love the boy so much despite his tantrums!