
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Drumroll, Please...

Well, we've done it. Learned all of the Articles of Faith, that is. This video is a bit on the long side, but it's worth watching. I caught a few golden moments on here that you have just got to see...

Yeah, Adi and Piper! How did they do it? REPETITION!! Every night for almost a year we would say them. A lot.

Did OP and I get tired of it?


Was it worth it?



Grandma Peg said...

I am so impressed!!! What smart little girls! You must be very proud of them!! What made you decided to teach them at such an early age? I don't think I learned them until I was a Beehive. Great job girls!!
If you can, please send me the picture of me and your mom. Thanks.
Tell your Mom hi for me!

Snort said...

Adi had to read the third A of F in primary, and since she couldn't read it, we had her memorize it. Since she didn't have any problem with it, Orrin and I just kept going and going...

MeghannHilgert said...

Amazing!! Good lesson in perseverance!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! how old are your girls? I'm sorry I didn't even pop into my mind that you lived in utah! I wish we would have gotten together! I did absolutly nothing but watch tv! You just need to get your butt down here!

Whitopher said...

They are such smart little girls! They must take after their Aunt Whit. But seriously, that is impressive.