
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Christmas Pics

So I gave up on blogging.

My days have become so busy lately (yes, yes, I know: everyone's busy).  Nights used to be "Courtney's playing on the computer" time, when I would set myself up with a tall glass of water, a bowl of popcorn, and iTunes playing in the background.  The children were all safely tucked in upstairs and I was free to edit pictures, write wonderfully-well-worded mini essays on our wonderfully ordinary lives.

But, pure exhaustion has demanded that I begin going to bed at more reasonable hours (read: 10 o'clock), and seventeen wakeful hours just don't cut it.  As, I'm sure, you well know.

Surprisingly, it was the Hubby that called me back to my picture editing ways.  "You haven't been using the computer at all lately."

I shrugged.  "No time."

"You really need to make time."

Now, if you know Orrin, you know that he isn't exactly in love with anything in the realm of social media.  He doesn't  love the idea of me putting our family out here in this little blogging world for anyone to stumble on.  So, as you can imagine, I was taken aback when he said this.

"Every time I sit down on the dang computer, at least ten things go undone.  It's just not worth it."  Typical Mom excuse, yes?

This time Orrin shrugged.  "You really enjoy doing it, right?  Then it's worth a hundred things being left undone."

And that, people, is why I officially declare the ever-amazing Orrin Merrill to be the best mate ever.  In his casual, non-pressuring way, he reminds me that I am important too.  That even if he has to go "laundry basket diving" for his chonies, even if our kids ate dry cereal straight from the box for breakfast this morning, and even when I ignore every single text I get this morning...

It's ok.  The world will keep turning, the laundry will eventually be folded, and I can serve the kids a decent dinner to make up for this morning (let's be honest: they love when Mom goes into "casual" mode and they get to run around like rugrats).

You didn't get all that from his statement?  Weird...

Since Porter's soccer ended last week and Adi's gymnastics was moved from Saturdays to Tuesdays, I declared (silently in my head) that today is pajama day while I try to edit a few of the 956 photos that I just uploaded from my camera.  Awesomeness, yes?

It's been so long since I have truly tried to actually keep this page updated with life's boring details, that I can visually see the change in my kiddos.  It reminds me of this quote:

Man, oh man, time is marching steadily onward, isn't it?  I'm not one to wish for time to stand still.  Watching these four kids grow and evolve is by far the best entertainment out there.   But occasionally, my breath is taken away by just how quickly things change.

So what have the Merrill's been up to lately?  What a timely question.  I was just about to tell you.

Adi has started gymnastics. Which she seems to have a talent for.  They have bumped this little lady up three classes since she began (it usually takes twenty-four weeks of lessons to get her to her current level).  Most impressive? She's learning to climb up a rope with only her arms.  It's so very Tarzan-like.

Piper is still dancing away and perfecting her leaps.  She is also learning to play a violin and has now mastered Ode to Joy.  Kind of.  She just had her first concert this week and she was so stinking adorable!

Porter-Pot just finished the soccer season.  He played on a league where they don't keep score, but if happen to be a rebel that quietly kept track of your son's goals: he did pretty darn well.  He's a bit of a ball hog, but I hear that it's good for him to be aggressive. I hope my sources are right! 

And this little mister is loving his bike, Dad's truck, Dad's motorcycle, helping Dad in the yard, Dad's work car... did I mention Dad?

 That's about it.  Activities, sports, friends, doctors, family.... that's what we've been up to around here!

And yes, Wyatt is wearing flip flops in the pictures. It just wasn't worth the fight, allright?

Also:  I fully realize that his shirt doesn't match everyone else.  He's here, stain-free, and looking at the general direction of the camera.  I'm calling it a success.

Some more pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Thanks goes to my sister for the awesome shots: you rock Whit! 

And yes:  please don't die of shock.  Orrin and I actually got in the pictures this year.

Oh, and:  all these pictures took us less than 15 minutes to take. We're efficient like that.