
Monday, November 18, 2013

In which Piper shows off her mad skills...

I was planning on doing on mega-post with tons of pictures that will bring this online family journal of ours up-to-date... and then I got bored just thinking about it.  So, instead, I am trying to do mini-posts of what I deem to be the most memorable things from the past few months.

Please feel free to exit the page at any time.

Still with me?  Then let us begin.

Piper began playing her violin back in September.  Now, just for posterity sake, I must share the fact that we must have Piper to school by 7:25 in the mornings- since Beginning Orchestra begins at 7:30.  Which means leaving the house by 7:10.  Which means the pressure to have five people clothed, fed, hair-did, beds made, scriptures read, prayers said, lunches packed, and teeth brushed by this time is on.  Fortunately, there are a couple of other crazy moms in our neighborhood who like the early morning rush as much as I do... thank goodness for carpools!  When it isn't my turn to drive carpool, I just have to focus on getting Miss Pip's all pretty by that insane time and the rest of us have an extra 30 minutes.  Wahoo!

Now, onto the main event:

Beginning Orchestra's first concert.

Isn't she angelic?

Her fan club:

Adi and I figured out how to use Windows Movie Maker to put these four clips together.  We're getting smarter!

Pipes was pretty discouraged after her performance, and she was listing all of the times that she had messed up.  This poor little girl is quite a perfectionist.  But she's been pushing herself harder in her practicing, so I'm hoping that this one of life's "you reap what you sow" kind of lessons.

I can wait to watch this girl blossom into a musical genious!