
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Ice Cream Mustaches

Piper has been getting up early in the mornings and making her and Adi's beds, cleaning up the entire room and saying her morning prayers. WOW! I thought she deserved a bit of fun. Adi was rewarded also since she is usually our go-to-girl. If you need to find something, you ask Adi. She will find it.

Anywho, on Saturday the girlies and I had a G.N.O. (for all you who do not speak Hannah Montana, that's a "Girls Night Out"). We hit the Carter's store (awesome deals right now- if you have one by you, you have to go!) where the girls got a new spring dress for the next day. Then we mosied on over to Children's Place where I swooped up a bunch of clearanced hair thingys and the girls talked me into getting them these sunglasses. (Whit- Adi had to have hers since they "look just exactly like Aunt Whit's"... what do ya think?).

The girlies got to make their own creations at Cold Stone (it took FOREVER for them to choose what they wanted) and then they gobbled them up on a table outside. Mmmmm... ice cream on a 45 degree day. Yummo.

We had a conversation ranging from the new Demi Lovato song (Piper), to whether there really is such a thing as an electric chair and does it really kill people (Adi), and all the way back to who the most famous singer in the whole wide world is (Adi again).

Interesting, very interesting.


Ali P. said...

Now that is a SERIOUS treat :)

Whitopher said...

I didn't know I had sunglasses like that... maybe you stole them from me. They look adorable! And those ice creams look so good right now!

Whitopher said...

I must say I am flattered that Adi wanted sunglasses like me!