
Saturday, January 24, 2009

And Here She Is...

the newest member of our family that can tie her shoes! Go Adi! Now, to be honest, she should have learned how to do so before she started kindergarten, but our lil' Ads has a tendency of quiting when something actually takes effort. Something like learning to tie a bow.

I tried to teach her, but my mounting frustration led me to just walk away from the lesson (how many times can you say "Adi, stop throwing yourself to the ground and writhing"? Or "Adison, it helps if you actually look at the laces instead of at the wall". Please don't think that I am teasing here).

Luckily, OP has a bunch more patience than I do (and Adi has a tendency of actually listening to him) or else this girl might never have learned.

You should watch Adi and I do her homework together. It is most definitely a sight to behold.


Grandma Peg said...

Way to go Adi!!! I myself still like velcro!!

Whitopher said...

Oh my gosh, how exciting! My little Adi is growing up. She sounds like her mom... That makes me laugh!