
Thursday, January 01, 2009

Things Got A Little Crazy 'Round Here!

Happy New Year's everyone! Hard to believe that it's 2009, huh?

We told the girls that on New Year's Eve you are supposed to stay up until midnight playing games, eating food and having tons of fun so that you can welcome the New Year.

Porter made it until 7:30 (which is staying up for him), but he had a wonderful time eating the popcorn-bin that Grandma gave the kiddos.

After the lil' monster went to bed, we had a family game of Wii bowling, and I'm proud to say that Piper put us all to shame! She's got some mad digital-bowling skills!

Then, according to Buckway-family tradition, we banged pots outside at midnight (ok, ok, it was only nine o'clock, but did you really think I'd let the girls stay up until 12?), and lit up some sparklers, too.

And Daddy gave the girlies their first kiss of the New Year...

We had the girls make "New Year Wishes" instead of resolutions... Adi wished that she could play with her family more... awwww!

OP tucked the kids in with stories of the firework shows his Papa used to do on N.Y.E.

This pic is really funny if you know Orrin and his hugely-exaggerated hand gestures he uses while telling stories....


Whitopher said...

Sounds like a fun night! I wish we were there to celebrate with you guys!