
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Do YOU believe in Miracles?

Yesterday I sent the girlies outside to play- even though it was only 45 degrees (but they were driving me and each other crazy). They were having a ball pretending to plant a garden using popcorn kernels (gotta love the imaginations of kiddies).

I was in the laundry room when Piper came running in.

"Mom, have you seen any miracles?"

Caught a bit off guard, I scrambled to find an answer that would also teach her a bit about faith. This is what I came up with:

"Ummm, yeah.... ummm, when you all three were born." Quick-witted, I know.

Piper looks at me as though I am crazy. "No! Have you seen any MIRACLES?" She says the last word slowly to make me understand what she is asking.

"Well, yes. Ummm, when Daddy gives us blessings..."

She then interrupts me. "No! Mir-A-Cles!"

This time I just stare at her.

"You know, miracle seeds?"

I honestly was flummoxed. She was looking at me as though I was drooling and humming. Then she explained:

"The miracle seeds that Nana saved from the garden?"

Oh, the marigold seeds. Wow. That was confusing.


Grandma Peg said...

Too cute! I love the things kids say and do!! You are such a good Mommy to let them plant seeds in the middle of winter.

Whitopher said...

Ha, ha! That's hilarious. Your vocabulary is too big for me: flummoxed.