It was COLD. Snotty-noses kind of cold. I was bundled-up under a fuzzy blanket, trying to stifle my whines.
And then there were my girls. Out there on their little field playing their hearts out and loving it. I think my heart just about burst with pride watching these two little monkeys playing without fear or hesitation. Were they afraid of the other kids? NO. Were the afraid of getting kicked in their shins like their mom was when she was their age? NO. They fell, they got right back up, grinning. They LOVED IT.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Soccer Mom
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Arizona Trip, Part 2
We went to Whit's House next... where I got really sick :( The kids had a great time though, and by Friday I was feeling much better. These are the only pics I got and they're from Friday & Saturday, but we all had a great week!
Porter dominating Chris,
Chris was our entertainment (sorry Chris, but I had to post this pic),
This pic is dark, but I still love it,
The ever-elusive pic of me,
Playing cards,
Here's Adi apologizing for making fun of Whit's fake grass,
Whit and I comparing who has the whitest legs. Sadly, I think I won,
Chris got their neighbor who is a paramedic to show the kids her ride,
The girls were wanting to swim the whole time we were there, but the weather just wasn't as warm as it needed to be... until Saturday that is.
I love this pic of Pipes
Fun, Fun, FUN! I have decided that we are going to move back. I don't know how, but I will find a way!
Arizona Trip, Part 1
I am finally getting around to posting about our trip! We first went to visit the family in Thatcher- the kids had a great time!
Crafts with Emma,
Enslaving Heber,
Torturing, errrr, I mean, playing with the chicks,
Hanging out with cousins,
Motorcycle rides,
Reading with Grandma,
And head-bumping Daddy.
Posted by Snort at 7:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, Merrill Fam, Piper, Porter, Thatcher, Vacations
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I thought I was so strong...
Apparantly, I am not SuperWoman. The hospital doctor told OP and I before we left that it would be perfectly fine to take a 12 hour road trip in a couple of days. Sure, she should be feeling like her old self by the end of the week.
Ha. Ha.
I did pretty good the first two days, but by the third, I was pretty sure that I was going to have to go back to the hospital. *Sigh*
Luckily I was staying with my own little nurses, Whitney and Chris, and they saved my from myself. Apparantly a 101 degree fever, a heart rate of 128 and 35 resperations per minute is a bad thing... who knew? I went to see my favoritest doctor in the whole world, Dr. Lamb, and he gave me an antibiotic shot, and then some strong antibiotics to take at home.
My own team of helpers (Whitney, OP and Chris) helped me get back to almost-better soon, and they watched the kids, brought me fresh water constantly, were there for my every beck and call....
Well, hey, maybe the vacation to Arizona didn't turn out all bad!
I'll be posting some pics of the kiddos having a completely-obliviously good time in AZ soon, but for now I must go and lay down!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
A Change of Plans....
What happened? Well, I ended up going to the hospital on Thursday (maybe... my days are all flipped-turned around) and just checked out. Thank goodness I am home with my babies again!
Apparantly I have Pericarditis, which is an inflammation of the sack that surrounds the heart. It really isn't as serious as it may sound.

It does hurt worse than it sounds however, but I'm on a couple of good drugs, and the pain has already decreased a TON. There was a few scary hours when the docs were pretty convinced that it was a blood clot in my lungs. I think that the moment the doc said that, OP nearly passed out. I however, had morphine pumping merrily through my body and just really wanted to go to sleep and stop breathing (which Orrin had to keep waking me up and reminding me to do).
Thanks to everyone who visited and called and everyone who kept us in your prayers, I truly felt them!
Now I'm off to plan a new (cold and wet) Easter for the fam (or lay down and take a nap... probably the latter).
Posted by Snort at 2:01 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Happy, Happy Day
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Just Friends
We get phone calls at 7:30 in the morning with a teeny-tiny voice asking for Adi (apparently Jacob's parents didn't realize he was on the phone). EVERYDAY. And then everyday, Adi follows me around begging to please play with Jacob. ALL DAY LONG. I am not exaggerating. You should hear the two of them arranging their lil' play date.
Yesterday Jacob called Adi and asked if she was "obeying her mommy" 'cause he wanted to play with her.
Orrin doesn't like any of this. I remind him that it is youthful innocence and that they are only six. And then Adi tells Orrin that "Jacob is the coolest boy ever". He has now taken over OP's place.
Orrin really doesn't like any of it.
Posted by Snort at 7:12 AM 3 comments
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Lil' Porter Pot

I was planning on doing a "special birthday"post all about my quirky baby boy on his birthday, but everything just seemed to overwhelm me, and I am just now finding the time! I was trying to think of ways to best describe this boy while cleaning his room today, and then it came to me: show them his room. It is who he is. Buckle up, peeps, 'cause here we go:
The parking lot. And he has about four more outside. These are rarely put nicely in their corner...

His "rarrrs". He loves mini-things like these. And everyone of them says "rarrrrr". I just don't know.

The balls. The many, many balls. Notice the princess ball- it used to be the girls until the foolishly gave it to Porter to play with one day and it has yet to be returned. Why aren't these taking residence outside, you may ask? It is snowing. That's why.

A gift from Nana and Papa... it is his diaper changing station. This is where Porter must be changed, and it better be straight without bumpies or he will scream until it is smoothed.

Ahhh, the books. These are not all of his books, but just his favorites. No other books are allowed in his room. If one dares to cross his threshold, he screams, "ADI!" until it has been taken out of his sight. And yes, I count the See-N-Say as a book.

A messy pic, but this is his bed. We are currently working on getting P.G. his own twin bed, but for now, this is where all of his treasures go. There is his Cars blanket (NO ONE touches it), his bottle (of course), and his favorite "los".
Oh, and I must mention his little obsession with Phineas and Ferb. He cannot go a day without watching them, so here is a lil' clip for your enjoyment...
Posted by Snort at 4:07 PM 1 comments
Labels: Porter
Apparantly, Enough Wasn't Said...
Posted by Snort at 10:06 AM 2 comments
Labels: Adi, Family Fun, OP, Piper, Porter