
Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Change of Plans....

We are supposed to be driving to Arizona right now to spend a nice, warm Easter with some long-lost family. Instead I am waiting *rather impatiently* for my husband to get home with some magical pain meds for me.

What happened? Well, I ended up going to the hospital on Thursday (maybe... my days are all flipped-turned around) and just checked out. Thank goodness I am home with my babies again!

Apparantly I have Pericarditis, which is an inflammation of the sack that surrounds the heart. It really isn't as serious as it may sound.

It does hurt worse than it sounds however, but I'm on a couple of good drugs, and the pain has already decreased a TON. There was a few scary hours when the docs were pretty convinced that it was a blood clot in my lungs. I think that the moment the doc said that, OP nearly passed out. I however, had morphine pumping merrily through my body and just really wanted to go to sleep and stop breathing (which Orrin had to keep waking me up and reminding me to do).

Thanks to everyone who visited and called and everyone who kept us in your prayers, I truly felt them!

Now I'm off to plan a new (cold and wet) Easter for the fam (or lay down and take a nap... probably the latter).


Unknown said...

That does sound scary, and rest will probably do you some good. Let Orrin get the Easter goodies and it will all be fine even without the warm sunshine. Take care.

Audra said...

Hey Court, get some rest so you can still come see us soon!

Anonymous said...

I am so mad! okay, I guess it's okay. I was so worried for you. Lindy told me everything on thursday. that totally sucks! I hope everything gets better soon. How long does something like that take to get better?

AZ Finters said...

Oh goodness! Hope you feel better!

Whitopher said...

I'm glad you are starting to feel better! And I think Pericarditis is a little bit more serious than you are letting on, sister sue!

MeghannHilgert said...

holy crap! I thought that was a disease you just "read about!" Did your heart beat sound like "crunchy snow"? cuz it was supposed to!

PS. Glad you're feeling better. wow.

melissa merrill said...

I hope you are feeling better!

Harvey Family said...

Hey Courtney! How are you feeling? Hopefully all is well! Let us know if we can do anything! Are you in AZ now?

Jan said...

Holy cow, Court! How did you get this?? I'm so sorry! I'm glad that you're on the up and up!