
Saturday, April 04, 2009

Just Friends

Here is Adi. She is six. Her best friend is a little boy named Jacob. Adi and Jacob drive us all crazy.

We get phone calls at 7:30 in the morning with a teeny-tiny voice asking for Adi (apparently Jacob's parents didn't realize he was on the phone). EVERYDAY. And then everyday, Adi follows me around begging to please play with Jacob. ALL DAY LONG. I am not exaggerating. You should hear the two of them arranging their lil' play date.


Yesterday Jacob called Adi and asked if she was "obeying her mommy" 'cause he wanted to play with her.

Orrin doesn't like any of this. I remind him that it is youthful innocence and that they are only six. And then Adi tells Orrin that "Jacob is the coolest boy ever". He has now taken over OP's place.

Orrin really doesn't like any of it.


Whitopher said...

Ha, ha! That's hilarious.

AN said...

That's just funny... I cannot believe 6 years old boy can do and say stuff like that... Unbelievable... I can see Orrin is being grampy...

Grandma Peg said...

Too funny! Tell Orrin that it only gets worse so he better start shinning up the ole' gun now and sit on the front porch because it will happen before he knows it. His little girl will be bringing home boys to meet her daddy rather he likes it or not (and most daddys don't like it!) Good luck because you have two little girls and we won't even get into Porter. Boys are a whole other worry!!!