
Sunday, April 19, 2009

I thought I was so strong...

Apparantly, I am not SuperWoman. The hospital doctor told OP and I before we left that it would be perfectly fine to take a 12 hour road trip in a couple of days. Sure, she should be feeling like her old self by the end of the week.

Ha. Ha.

I did pretty good the first two days, but by the third, I was pretty sure that I was going to have to go back to the hospital. *Sigh*

Luckily I was staying with my own little nurses, Whitney and Chris, and they saved my from myself. Apparantly a 101 degree fever, a heart rate of 128 and 35 resperations per minute is a bad thing... who knew? I went to see my favoritest doctor in the whole world, Dr. Lamb, and he gave me an antibiotic shot, and then some strong antibiotics to take at home.

My own team of helpers (Whitney, OP and Chris) helped me get back to almost-better soon, and they watched the kids, brought me fresh water constantly, were there for my every beck and call....

Well, hey, maybe the vacation to Arizona didn't turn out all bad!

I'll be posting some pics of the kiddos having a completely-obliviously good time in AZ soon, but for now I must go and lay down!


Jordan said...

Wow, I haven't been blogging lately as well as not keeping up with everyones blog. Sorry to hear about your trip to the hospital and not feeling well. I hope it will pass soon. Get better, before you take another trip :o)!!

MeghannHilgert said...

In taking care of everyone else, don't forget to take care of yourself!!

Whitopher said...

I am glad you are feeling better. You really scared me!

Priceless Heritage said...

Oh! I hope you are feeling better!

Audra said...

You should have called me! I didn't think you were coming since you got sick!