
Wednesday, August 01, 2012

A last minute adventure to surprise a birthday girl

This girl, to be exact.


Miss Rylee was on the phone with me right there :)

These cousins sure do love being around each other.

And Wyatt sure did love the milk that his Aunt Lindy kept refilling his sippy cup with (he's on a strict two-cups-of-milk-a-day diet at home).

Hyrum and Stephanie ventured to Thatcher to party too.

Now, most of the pictures I took that day did not turn out.  I am really quite afraid that my ever-faithful camera is sick.  The kind of sick where I just may have to upgrade to one of these pretty ladies.

Brandon totally took advantage of the Merrill dudes and made them clean his A/C. 

While the kiddos played like the wild monkeys they are.

Hebes and Hannah came over to Lindy's for pizza and roll-up cake.

Then we were off to Cluff Ponds. 

The green water was a bit too much for this chlorine-loving city girl, but the kiddos (and Hyrum!) enjoyed it, so we'll call it a success.

After changing and nap time (just Wyatt) and Otter Pops,

we headed here

and did a little of this

Well- everyone, that is, but me and Wyatt. He mostly did this:

He couldn't understand why he couldn't throw any of the balls or run wild in the wide open space.  And, because of my wonderfully messed up hands, I was the lucky girl that got to chase him.

I finally just put the little turd in his carseat and cruised through downtown Safford while everyone finished their games. It was good though; I had the chance to listen to the new Zac Brown Band album without interruptions.  That just doesn't happen for me very often.

Here's our cars all lined up while the guys discussed finding a proper Crossfit tire.

We went home soon after.  Well, after sitting around and talking for a couple more hours.  'Cause that's what boring adults do.

Happy 7th Birthday, Miss Rylee Sue!