
Saturday, August 11, 2012


So, school has begun again.

And this time it has stolen another of my children.

Off to kindergarten he goes. 

With a backpack that is exactly his same size.

That morning he was up and dressed by 5:30 and spent the next two hours asking if it was time to leave yet.

Adi-Baby is now officially a 4th grader.

She is lucky enough to sit next to her bestest friend in class (and behind the cutest boy in the fourth grade).

 And Piper Pauline has now entered third grade.

And to prove how old she is now, she asked for a messenger bag instead of a backpack.

I think she's already regretting it.

She made sure that I took a picture of the hairstyle that she chose for the day (off of Pinterest, of course).

You know, when they first started attending their charter school, I loathed their uniforms.  Now?  Now I am in love with them.  Do you have any idea how easy back-to-school shopping was?  3 red polos, 3 blue polos, 3 white polos, couple pair of khaki shorts (and skirts)... BAM!  I was done.  

Of course, I had waited until the week before school started to get those things, so I had hit several different stores to find all of that stuff in the right sizes... but still.  Much easier than fighting over different styles with the girls. 

It's crazy to think that 3/4 of my kiddos are all in the same school.

All righty, let's try a group shot.  Porter, go grab your brother.

Adi!  Help!

But, lo and behold, I got a group shot.  With EVERYONE looking at the camera.  And no blur lines!  It's a Start-of-the-School-Year miracle!!

The girls let me walk them back to their class lines, but refused and picture taking (brats).  I did capture one more of the Porter Pot before his quite-hilarious teacher whisked him away.

*she had told them to hold a bubble in their mouth while they were walking.

Mr. Wy-Fi couldn't figure out why his Mom was blubbering like baby.

Here's to the next nine months of book reports, poetry recitations, homework logs, phonograms, sharpening pencils, field trips, talent shows, dance lessons, baseball, play dates, before-school chores, after-school friends, tears, and grins.

Heaven help me.


Whitopher said...

They look pretty sharp in their outfits, and your photos look awesome!