
Thursday, August 09, 2012

Practically Perfect Piper

See this absolutely beautiful little girl all dressed in white?  Ain't she adorable? 

Well, it just so happens that today is her birthday.  The big 8.  And, boy-oh-boy, is she excited.  Not only is she a year older, but she gets to be baptized, get a pretty new white dress, white shoes (not pictured- still waiting on those *cough* Whitney *cough*), she finally gets to go with her big sis to Activity Days, and she gets to read the book.

Yes, we set the standards super low with our kids so they don't expect much from us.

Piper and I sneaked out together right at the very beginning of summer to take these photos- the plan was to beat the heat in this Arizona desert.  Unfortunately, we happened to go the day after a swimming party, and Pipes was pretty toasted.

And also, I didn't have my awesome new toy camera yet, so I am itching to retake all of these pictures.  Alas, she would be way too sweaty if I did, so I will settle with me mediocre pictures with my sad editing skills.

Anywho, back to the point: Piper and I finally spent some one-on-one time together.  This doesn't happen very often.  It was so amazing to be around this angel: to soak up her smiles and giggles, to be able to listen to her rambling stories with my full attention, to just marvel at the wonderfulness that is Piper Pauline.

Piper, since the day she could grab at everything around her, as always gravitated towards pink.  Or glittery.   Or better yet, pink and glittery.  When I fold clothes at night, Piper's pile of clothes is the giant pink stack with glitter blinding your eyes. 

She is a huge girly girl.  The mirror in her room is her most favorite "toy", and spends hours in front of it: styling her hair, putting on lip gloss, dancing... I've caught her just watching herself talk into it. 

Pip-Squeaks has a tender heart.  She cries with anyone who cries (usually she has no idea why she's tearing up beside me), gives hugs and kisses freely, and always cares for the sick person in the house. 

She also LOVES her baby brother Wyatt.  And by loves, I mean absolutely adores.  Piper carries that baby around on her hip like he weighs nothing (and seeing as how his is half her body weight, that is no small feat).  She kisses his owies, fills his sippy cup, and watch out if you make him cry!  Angry Piper will soon be stomping your way (her siblings have gotten quite a few Piper Punches for upsetting Wy-Fi).

Pip loves playing Barbies, dressing-up, creating any type of art, singing, dancing, playing with her B.F.F. Naomi, watching H20, climbing trees, riding motorcycles, jumping off of the top bunk onto a pile of blankets and pillows, shopping at Justice, quoting movies, curling up in laps, playing rough with her Dad, and pretending to be a mermaid. 

She is an amazing ball of contradictions.  She is cuddly soft and unbelievably tough.   She gives the most heart-melting hugs and powerful punches.  She loves wearing make-up and rolling around in the mud.  

She is my Piper Pauline.

And I am so very blessed to have her.


Whitopher said...

I love my little Pipes!

Whitopher said...

I love, love the last photo