
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Clothes-ing

'Round these here parts, we have a semi-annual tradition.

It's called "Try On Last Year's Current Season's Clothes, See If They Still Fit, Give Away The One's That Don't, Put Those and The New Clothes Mom Bought In Your Drawers, And Put Last Season's Clothes In Bins That Will Be Put Up For Six Months".

It's quite an event.  The girls love it because they pretty much become models on a runway.

And this year our cousin Katelynn was there to enjoy the frivolities.

They also love it because they are girls and are pre-programmed to adore getting new clothes.

The boys really like it too.

Just kidding.  They hate it.

But they still play along for their Mommy.  Well, Wyatt just plays.

But Porter did try on a few things.

And Wy-Fi, since he does everything his big brother does, tried on an outfit.

And boy did he feel fabulous.

For a moment.

And then we had lunch at the park to get out all of the clothing-trying-on out of our system.