
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

To the farm we go

We had Spring Break last week. 

And I was pretty desperate to find things that would entertain four stir-crazy kiddos.

I remembered Superstition Farm that we visited last year with cousins.  And it just so happened that they were having a free-admission day the very next morning (unless you wanted to do anything, then you had to pay). 

We brought a couple of friends with us,

 The kiddos rode the hayride.  By themselves.  Probably not my best idea ever.

 Apparently, Wyatt cried a lot since he wanted to be set free to run around.

We did the "petting zoo",

And snapped a few pics on the tractor,

And went on a stroll through... a garden, maybe?

But the piled-extraordinarily-high hay bales that were awesome to jump off of were no longer there.  And the whole farm was really kinda disappointing. 

Good thing we didn't have to pay :)

So we ate and ditched.

And played at the park instead.

You win some, you lose some.  At least we were in good company.

And we got out of the house for a few hours.


Whitopher said...

Looks like the kiddos has fun!