
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Craft Away, Adi Baby!

Adi's birthday. Crafts. 12 little girls. Me. Orrin and Porter hiding in the basement. Pizza. Cupcakes. Butterflies. Face paint. Stickers. Glitter. Ribbon. Sprinkles. Frosting. Clay.

Oh my.

The party was Saturday at 11. Why so early? The girls got to make their own mini pizzas out of Rhodes Roll dough.

To of my Activity Days girls came over and painted the little girlie's faces. They did a really good job on Pipes.

The girls decorated foam bookmarks with glitter pens and foam flower stickers.

They played with some good ol' fashioned clay (Adi's favorite part of the party).

The girls frosted and decorated their own mega-size cupcakes (not too many of the girls actually ate them, however).

Adi-baby blew out the candles on her errr, creative cake (it so did not turn out the way that I had pictured it in my brain).

And after Adi had some help opening gifts (I think she only opened one or two of her own presents), the girls all went home with a brown paper sack full of their home made goodies and these babies (Play-Dough).

Luckily, one of the other moms stayed and helped me out, or I definitely would have been completely overwhelmed, instead of a bit overwhelmed.

I did learn that my girl Adi is a bit on the shy side. She didn't do much talking once the big crowd got there, although once it dwindled down to just three friends she turned back into her usual loud, screaming, playful self.

And I learned that Activity Day-age girls are even harder to control than six year olds. I think I caught a glimpse of my future.



Whitopher said...

Court, it all looks so cute! You are one creative chick!