
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Will You Be My V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E?

Thank goodness we have Target to make our V-Day go smoothly (and only for a few bucks)! And yes, I did make make these lovlies... they didn't actually turn out too well (I think the yeast has seen better days), but they're edible and made with love!

Happy Valentines Day everybody!


Whitopher said...

Court, you are so creative! What an awesome mom you are.

Jan said...

Geez, Court! How fun! :) I love the big heart suckers. I need to go find me one.

Also, in your photos and videos, I can see bits of your house. It looks very nice! I stink at decorating mine on a budget. i need your help. If you help me figure out my stuff, then I will take some family photos for you :) You take fabulous photos of your family but it's hard to take them and be in them, too, lol.