
Friday, February 20, 2009

At Least Someone is Enjoying the Laundry...

This is one of my kiddos favorite past times: jump in mommy's big pile of laundry that she has organized into neat piles before she actually can start folding them (and yes, I organize them first into whom the clothes belong to, than into sub-categories: pants, shirts, pj's etc. Then the socks go into one pile, the underwear another... why am I sharing this? Sounds like a bad case of TMI).

Please don't judge me by the way I do laundry.

**Hopefully there isn't anything too embarrassing showing in these pics**


Whitopher said...

Hey, at least they are entertained!

Audra said...

I never thought about organizing my laundry after it came out of the dryer!

Snort said...

Yeah, I'm a bit on the loony side...

melissa merrill said...

I do the same thing with my laundry..the sorting thing...and it doesn't really matter if it get's put away does it. They will just drag it out of the drawer or closet, try it on, then throw it on the floor and the process starts all over again! The joys of laundry!