
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Prepare to be Jealous...

Porter has his quirks... quite a few of them, actually. He pretty much won't eat anything except cereal, fries and hot dogs (no joke here), he relishes in making his sisters scream, he has to change his shoes at least ten times a day, etc. You know what I'm talking about.

The one thing that saves me from pulling my hair out everyday is this:

Porter loves to sleep. Loves it. Usually there are no arguments when bedtime and naptime come around. Occasionally he even throws himself into bed and cries until someone turns on the fan, turns out the light, and fills his bottle with his precious water (which he only gets when he sleeps... this could be one of the reasons he enjoys sleeping so much).

Have you ever hear of any other almost-2 year old who does this? I know my girls definitely didn't (p.s. you can't hold this against me since I went through heck with the girls and their sleeping habits... actually we are still fighting this issue of theirs).


Audra said...

You are definitely one lucky girl. My kids don't like sleeping so much.

Anonymous said...

So I do understand one thing...... The pickey eating habits, Jeffy will eat nothing! but I still think I can hate you just a little bit, okay, maybe not. Let's just put it this way, Jaxon Is just about one, and He still wakes up every night a couple of times a night. And He hates his naps! That is so crazy! Way to go Porter!

Whitopher said...

I think he just wants his bottle, but hey, whatever works!