
Friday, October 22, 2010


OP's little sister Jessie and her new Hubby (whom I finally got to meet) came up for a quick visit last week.

And I tortured them and took them out to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point. They were good sports about it though. Especially since they had to walk at a snail's pace with 7 month pregnant me.

Anywho, I really do love Cornbelly's (not so much the price though). They have great stuff for the kiddos to do- and the adults. I loved these giant air-pillow thingys last year, but I was afraid to give it a go this time.

Adi enjoyed sliding off of them.

They had these tire-swing thing-a-ma-jiggers for the kiddos to ride on.

And a cow train.

Here is where these Merrill kids could have spent all day (I got a bit nervous though 'cause I couldn't keep an eye on them at all times).

Awesome, right? There were four sides of climbing and sliding.

But once the youngun's discovered the black tunnel of death, they mostly stuck to it.

It really sent them flying. Here's Chad (the new bro-in-law) trying to stick an elegant landing.

It wasn't the worst one I saw from this tube...

Porter and Chad waiting for Jessie to come down. Porter kept trying to get his faced kicked in by those coming down.

And here she comes.

There were also these giant inflatable balls to play around with.

They were fun, but they were huge and heavy. I think a couple of the kids got taken out by it.

Roping the wooden steer.

"It's a bull, Mom." -Adi

Excuse me.

Of the course the wooden house full of corn kernels (and who knows what other diseases).

Porter was so excited to climb this spider web, until he got frustrated because the black rope was more rubbery and he couldn't move around too much.

There was also a corn maze, a giant iguana haunted house thing, and much more, but I got hungry (and maybe a bit grumpy) and just stopped taking pictures.