
Saturday, October 09, 2010

Just the right one...

Let me begin by explaining why there are a million pictures on this post. Last year when we went to the pumpkin patch, I got a ton of good pics. Seriously. So I was a little paranoid that I wouldn't get any excellent ones this year.

And so I might have over-compensated a bit. Like 112 pics on my memory in 2 hours kind of over-compensating.

Anywho, so we went to back to Wheeler Farm today. I found out that for $30 you can get a family pass to do the mini-corn maze (my kind of maze), pick 6 pumpkins, and everyone gets a hayride. Awesome deal, right? We spent more than that just on pumpkins last year!

And the moment I pulled out my camera, my camera-loving daughter began her posing.

The kiddos (most especially Piper and Porter) enjoyed climbing all over the old farm machinery they had displayed all over.

Here is my family being forced to pose for me in the corn maze...

And here are the kiddos in one of the dead ends. They didn't have the height advantage that OP and I did in there.

Porter was amazed that there was corn in the corn maze.

Once you made it through the maze (probably took us about 7-10 minutes, and that's with OP and I giving the kiddos wrong directions to stretch it out), you ended up in their pumpkin patch.

And my kids took the choosing of their pumpkins serious.

All except Porter, that is. He kept dropping whatever pumpkin he was holding for the next smaller one he found. We were happy we got out of there without him making one explode when he flung it carelessly to the ground.

Orrin also searched long and hard. For the ugliest pumpkin available. And I think he succeeded.

Adi was looking for a "Cinderella" pumpkin. Our rule was that they had to carry them out themselves. Momma couldn't carry anything heavy, so Daddy set that rule.

He still ended up carrying a few.

We then moseyed around and looked at the cows and horses. Porter wanted to feed them. Then he wanted to ride them. Then he wanted to bring them home.

He was told no a lot.

He did get to touch some goats. Piper loved petting them too, but Adi just climbed up the fence and watched them from afar. So very much like her mama, that one. Except I wouldn't climb a fence (slivers!).

Here is Daddy explaining to the boy why we can't just push our way to the front of the line.

And beautiful little Adi.

I told OP that we need to get one of these for the backyard instead of a swing set. I think they would have stayed on it for hours if we hadn't forced them off.

And here is the hay ride. Not very exciting...

The kiddos got to peek in on a good-old-fashioned two-seater outhouse. Adi was disgusted even though she was told that it was never actually used as a bathroom.

I think.

So, I still have about a hundred pictures left, but I thought that I'd narrow it down for you. Even though I am now thinking of all the pics that I wish I could have put on.


Unknown said...

Awe adorable! I love how Porter squishes up one eye when he smiles, and the girls are beautiful.

Eli and Ness said...

Aw... Orrin looks so happy to be in the pictures! Just like those Merrill boys huh!

Team Skousen said...

Those pics are priceless!!

Nae said...

I love those sweet little kiddies