
Monday, October 25, 2010

A Marshmallow World

Guess what we woke up to this morning?

That's right, snow! I assume someone heard mine and the kiddos wishes, since we've been hoping that we'd get to see at least one last snow before we had to move to sunny Arizona.

Mostly, I want to get at least a bit of use out of the millions of dollars I spent on winter attire last year (ok, so not millions of dollars. But I spent the better part of spring stocking up on clearance winter clothes for this time of year).

The kiddos rushed to put on their coats and snowboots (over their jammies) to get the newspaper at 7 o'clock this morning. I would like to apologize to any neighbors that my children awoke with their squeals of delight.

Then, because I am the awesomest-posemest mommy ever, I let them go out and play in the fluffy stuff a bit before school.

And then they went off to face the day with soggy gloves.

But hey, we made a memory, right?


Whitopher said...

How fun! No, I don't think you will need those coats in AZ.