
Friday, October 08, 2010

Freaky Friday

Our amiga Vanessa or Anessa, as Porter calls her, invited us out to her dance group's performance at Wheeler Farm tonight. It was called Freaky Friday for a rather obvious reason: there were zombies dancing around to Halloween music.

Can you say Awesome?

Adi was excited before we got there, since she is rather obsessed with zombies, vampires and the like lately. Yet, as soon as we got to the farm and she came close to the dancers that were wandering around in costume in a very zombie-like way, Adi suddenly turned her head into me and tried not to look at them.

Porter clung to my mom and wouldn't let her put him down.

And Piper was rather unaffected by the whole thing. Not surprising at all, actually.

Once the music began, Piper began doing her little head shake and singing along to all the Halloween music. Porter liked everything but the Phantom of the Opera (which really scared him for some reason). And Adi was a bit on edge, but she sat through it all by herself while only flinching a couple of times.

The point to this post? Go and see Freaky Friday if you are in Utah. It was, once again, Awesome!

Oh, and you might be wondering why Porter is not in the above picture... well, he wouldn't get close enough to our undead-friends for me to take a shot.


Whitopher said...

Love it! I would be freaked out too to have to stand by them.