
Monday, October 04, 2010

Fall Clothes

So, we finally cracked out the fall clothes... and the kiddos look dang cute (if I do say so myself).

I originally took these pics so I could show off the total cute-ness of the skirts and scarfs I made the girls. I got the pattern for these "circle skirts" from my favorite blog ever, MADE.

Seriously, peeps, you've got to make these skirts. I whipped up both of them in about 30 minutes. And they cost about $7 for both of them! I was lucky enough to find this cute material at Walmart in their "$5 for an entire bolt of fabric" bin. Awesome.

Poor little Adi has such an itsy-bitsy waste, her skirt just won't stay up right. I measured her waste and everything, but, alas, it still slides down.

And here is Miss Pipes showing of her twirling skills. Have I mentioned how stinkin' much I love these skirts?

After attempting to get some decent shots of the girls, I figured Porter-Pot looked sweet enough to eat, so I snapped a few of him...

And then I tried to get some group shots (thank goodness for Photoshop of I would never have a decent shot off all three kiddos together).

And then Pipes looks just so glamorous.

And Porter looks likes he might be getting into some trouble...

Adi was in one of her "I can't look at the camera to save my life right now" moods, so I didn't get a good candid one of her.

I'll try again tomorrow, I suppose.



Unknown said...

Those are so adorable, the skirts and the pics. I am really going to have to make some for us.

Whitopher said...

Love the skirts. Porter looks so dang cute in that last picture!