
Thursday, December 13, 2012

All the twinkling lights

I got the opportunity to stretch my photo-taking wings this week when we took a trip to the Mesa Temple lights with my sis and her hubby.

Now, one of the reasons I was so excited for this camera was for the awesome pictures that it takes in situations such as this.  But, you must know what you're doing, apparently, or your pictures will end up looking like this:

I had a lot that looked like this.

But, every so often one turned out that made me smile.

*as a warning: I did not edit these photos at all.  I'm trying to just get pics of this busy time of the year up here before they become old and forgotten, and I just don't have the time for editing*

The lights were so amazingly beautiful.  How many hours of preparation go into this?  Seriously, I was awed by the sight.

Also, these kiddos enjoying the twinkling made me love it even more.

Whit & Chris's usual self portrait :)

The kiddos loved looking at the Nativities from around the world.

And I liked the infant Christ artwork.


I made everyone sit through the Christus presentation.

They so loved and appreciated me for that.

We even almost got a really good family pic.

*When I saw this pic, I had to smack Orrin.  Seriously?  Four children and you are the one not looking at the camera?!*

We tried.


Unknown said...

Oooh, those are such pretty pics! Way to go Courtney. I especially like the one with the silhouette of the kids with the temple in the back ground. It is so perfect, although you are probably wishing you got all four there. Tell me what your setting were! I think we should be able to visit the temple lights this time when we go out.

Whitopher said...

I love the pic of Adi licking Piper! Fun times :0)