
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Choosing of the Ornaments

Can you guess where we went this year to choose our annual ornaments?


Where else would a faithful red lover go?

Have I told you what Orrin did?  I took OP and Wy-Fi with me to Target one day  to get a few things.  Orrin, wanting to be a "cool dad" put Wyatt in the back of the cart, instead of buckled nicely where he belongs.  So now, every single time I try to buckle him in the front, I get this reaction:

Here's Orrin explaining why he must be buckled (in his oh-so-terrifyingly-quiet voice).

 It worked.  Wyatt saw this tennis ball ornament and fell in love.  I kept waiting for him to throw it.

 Adi was the easiest child this year.

After one whole minute of browsing, 

she found the one.

I found the most obnoxiously large one I could,

 And OP found the ugliest one.

Wyatt kept switching which ornament he liked the best,

 before he settled on the giant candy cane.

Which he thought was edible.  It was not.  But that didn't stop him from occasionally sampling it- just to be sure that it hadn't magically morphed into a real live candy cane.

Now, before we went it in, we told the kids that there was a $5 limit on their ornament ($5 times 6 people, sheesh that's a lot of moola on ornaments!).

Piper kept falling in love with the $8 and $9 ornaments.  When we reminded her that they were above her limit, she sadly walked around the ornament square, acting as though she would never, ever be able to fall in love with another ornament.

Porter decided on this one right away.

No, wait, this one!

(That's a mini tree topper, dude)

Then this one!


The bell!  He needs the bell!

No... he, in fact, liked absolutely none of them.  Everything was too glittery, or too foxy, or too bear-ry, or too car-ry, or too penguiney.


Between him and Pipes my patience was wearing a little thin.  So I began a 10 second countdown.  When I reached zero, either you have your ornament in your hand or leave without one.

Miraculously, they both were able to find an ornament that suited them just fine. 

Off we go!

To Chik-Fil-A for dinner!

Thanks to everyone who gave us a gift card... it took all four of 'em to feed us!


Whitopher said...

Did you look like a weird lady taking pictures with your ginormous camera at target? ;)