
Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Snowflake Cookies

Adi had dance last night, so Pipes and I were hanging out in the kitchen together, just making some dinner for the fam.

Piper was busily chatting away about her day, her friends, her homework, her dream last night, how she wants her hair tomorrow... pretty much anything and everything.  That little girl likes to talk (no idea where she got that from ;).

"Mom, when can I make some cookies?" Pipes asked.

"How about right now?" I, for once, was being impulsive. 

So thus we made the ever-famous Buckway Powdered Sugar Cookies.  Or Choke Cookies.  Or Lady Fingers.  They are called by all three names in the Buckway line.

But we changed the name to Snowflake cookies around here a couple of years ago since they melt in your mouth like a fluffy snowflake.

*we don't add the nuts*

As Miss Pipes was painstakingly trying to shape the extremely flaky dough into balls, Wyatt ran up and grabbed a hand full of the  already-rolled cookies and shoved them into his mouth.

 Someone really should control that rugrat.

*Can you tell that Wy-Fi had pulled his shirt off of one arm?  It's his new style.*

Later, after dinner and baths, the older kiddos and I snuggled on the couch to read one of our Christmas books, when we heard a tiny "Uh-oh" from the kitchen.

Some little stinker had pulled the container that held the cookies onto the floor and spilled half of them. 

Lest you think he is a spoiled stinker, I must admit that he then handed the floor cookies out to siblings.

And they ate them.