
Friday, December 14, 2012

2 ladies dancing


We breath and exhale it around this house.

Three nights out of the week are planned around it.

And when certain little girls aren't attending their lessons, they are subjecting treating the rest of us to a play-by-play reenactment of their classes.

So, I was happy to be invited to watch each of the girls at their actual lesson on the day of their little holiday dance parties.

First of all, Adi is tiny.

 But extra flexible!

Look at her!  She's all: It ain't no thang.

Seriously: it's disgusting.

She also has a little bit of attitude.

And she loved having me there to photograph her every move.

Lucky little Pipes has her bestest friend in her class.

And is pretty darn flexible herself.

She really kicks butt in her across-the-floor moves.

She's currently working on perfecting a one-handed cartwheel for solo in the Christmas dance.

That darn hand keeps coming down on it's own.

Yeah for BFFLs!

Pipes is really enjoying a chocolate cupcake there.

Also: Pip's Christmas dance is to this song of Justin Beiber's (her dance starts at :45).  I am sad to say I actually like the song.


Carrie said...

I love it. They look so graceful! great pics.

Carrie said...

I love it. They look so graceful! great pics.

Whitopher said...

You got some good action shots! They look awesome :)

Whitopher said...

You got some good action shots! They look awesome :)